Mr. Soren Albertsen
Editor: I had a lunch meeting in Grenaa, Denmark with Mr. Soren Albertsen. Last time I saw him was some 6 years ago almost when I met him in Beijing where he was working for the Danish Embassy with focus on green development and the carbon footprint – Denmark along with many other states almost compete in being as green as possible. Normally we are in my native country only green with envy (sometimes of each other) but I dare say that we have turned our original no to nuclear power back in the 1970’s into a global business success ie wind power and wind turbines. There is no doubt that it was our NO to nuclear power that turned our attention to developing alternative energies.
With these words and with my recommendation to you of reading Mr. Soren Albertsens CV you will no doubt find a helpful, versatile and friendly gentleman looking for a suitable job and more than willing to travel.
ps. yes he did promise me an even bigger lunch 🙂 if this introduction in PCW yields results….and as we all know there is no free lunch these days at least not for most business people.
Through talks with Mr. Bo Drewsen, I realize that the transportation industry may need a profile like mine in order to 1. take advantage of savings and business opportunities in CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) and 2. prevent problems relating to CSR.
I have for almost 20 years been working in multiple industries in the interphase between business and sustainability. So if you see a common interest, I am more than willing to get in touch with you. It may be time to move on to an international job in the transportation industry. You will learn from my CV that I have lots of experience with management, international work, communication, presentation and not least handling a wide range of stakeholders.