Dear Readers,Week 39 has arrived and so has your new issue of Project Cargo Weekly. A current hot topic, at least in Europe, is the re-election of the German chancellor Ms. Merkel, but also the arrival of a newcomer in the parliament called AfD. It seems that any new party daring to upset the status quo are branded populists by most of the mainstream news media. What does that mean? I tend to believe that they must be popular and have a message that seemingly 8 million people in Germany like to hear – that is ALSO democracy when someone gets voted in, that one may dislike.
Here at my home there is generally no democracy and I am not popular, but c’est la vie right? 🙂
Now turning the attention to the shipping business, today we have an interview with a company in a former Soviet Republic, Lithuania. As they are now free, democratic and open for business since some years, it’s good to learn more about the Baltic countries. Project Cargo can also be carried by air, thus for our second interview today we have a company with established expertise in the field of aircraft chartering. It’s amazing what the giant Russian aircraft can “eat”. See the pictures for yourself.
Finally, before our usual sector news and other intel that we hope you will find useful, I wish to direct your attention to a talk on computer forensics in Singapore, organised by the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (Singapore). Looking for a specific entry or a single email can be daunting but critical. An entire business dispute or multi-million-dollar claim/arbitration may hinge on the data – when it was generated, altered, deleted by whom and under what circumstances” unquote. Sounds interesting, doesn’t it? On a personal level, just think of going to court with the ex-wife to be and you just cannot find that email needed to defend yourself or vice versa as the case may be. Whatever we do online is recorded somewhere for better or for worse, as we all know by now – and if we were in doubt about the surveillance state, Mr. Snowden certainly woke us up to it, didn’t he?
Wishing you a pleasant read and, until next week,
Yours sincerely,
Bo H. Drewsen

Baltic Freight Services (BFS) – Lithuania
Interview with
Mr. Lauras Lukosius
Managing Director
When people think of the Baltics they naturally think about Russia too. Can you organise transhipments to/from Russia? Elaborate if you will, a bit about how it’s done.
Lithuania, as well as the rest of the Baltic countries, has always been a kind of gateway to the CIS markets. A very good geographical location and efficiency in handling transit cargoes enables us to service clients from Western Europe and Russia or Belarus. Excellent understanding of logistics specifics in Russia, a high level of customer service and even very good knowledge of the Russian language are other reasons why many Russian clients entrust their cargo to logistics providers from the Baltics.
Chapman Freeborn Airchartering – Denmark
Interview with
Mr. Kim Borgaard
Regional Sales Manager Scandinavia
In your opinion, what makes Chapman Freeborn stand out?
As a company we’re very much focused on the value-added side of our services. For most clients chartering an aircraft is an occasional requirement rather than an everyday need. We’re always happy to provide expert loading advice and assist with documentation, as well as taking care of the complex contractual elements. Our global office coverage is also a big plus. Clients expect a continuity of service and local market knowledge.
Featured Talk
Computer Forensics – by David C. Rule
Technology plays an essential part in almost all disputes in building a solid case and in complying with discovery rules. Getting it right the first time and understanding the ways in which information can be stored and retrieved is essential.

Hijacked ‘Landshut’ Airplane Returns to Germany with Help from Logistics Plus
Logistics Plus, working with its global partner Salco Logistics, has played a crucial role in helping the hijacked ‘Landshut’ airplane return home to Germany. The German airplane, that a Palestinian militant group hijacked and flew to Somalia in 1977, is returning home to Germany to be restored. The plane’s hijacking was a key moment of the so-called “German Autumn”.
Insurance and Prevention Matters Update
Cargo Theft Analysis
Cargo theft remains one of the most significant causes of disruption in the supply chain and claims cost to TT Club members, accounting for around 10% by volume and cost of all reported claims in the last ten years.

Guidance for Carrying Cargo in Non-Operating Refrigerated Containers Issued
In order to minimise empty repositioning costs, container operators frequently use reefer containers in a ‘non-operating’ mode to carry approved dry cargo – either on a return leg or to re-position the equipment without operating the refrigeration machinery. Because of the differences between general purpose and refrigerated containers (both the design and the materials), additional considerations are necessary in relation to approval of cargo to be carried in this way and the packing requirements that need to be taken into account.
Ikea Industry Invests in Kazlų Rūda Furniture Production
IKEA Industry has decided to invest in furniture production in Kazlų Rūda and advanced technology will offer an opportunity to double the production capacity. Construction is scheduled to start this autumn. Read more…
Port News and Information
Euroports loads the MV Salta, GMB Maritime Liner Services GmbH at its Terminal 1207 at Left Bank
Euroports, a leading maritime supply-chain provider, has just completed a major job for a number of its key customers in Antwerp, loading to capacity the MV Salta, GMB Maritime Liner Services GmbH, at its Terminal 1207 at the Left Bank in Antwerp. This vessel has the largest draft of any that Euroports has ever loaded at this terminal. Read more…
CEMTEC Ball Mill Order for Salam Cement
The low-cost project with a steel structure-based design comprises a CEMTEC slide shoe ball mill of 3.2 x 9.5m with a1250kW motor in closed circuit with a latest-generation separator CTC-045. It is capable of producing 35tph of CEM II-32.5. The plant is expected to start production in 2018 and deliver a major contribution to the infrastructure development of the area. Read more…
Plants & Processing
New $300m Oman Cotton Factory Set to Create 1,500 Jobs
The plant will import 100,000 metric tons of cotton fibre annually through Sohar Port, with around 50 percent coming from the United States and the remainder split between Australia and India. The plant will produce around 75,000 tons of finished yarn each year, which will be exported back through the Port to China and other global markets including Bangladesh, Pakistan, Vietnam, Portugal and Turkey. Read more…
Power Generation & Distribution
MAN Diesel & Turbo Supplies 264 MW to Indonesia
Indonesia’s state-run electricity supplier, Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN), has contracted MAN Diesel & Turbo to deliver a total of 20 MAN 51/60DF en-gines. Ten of these engines will be installed in three power plants for which the company will take on EPC (engineering, procurement, construction) re-sponsibilities. Read more…
Wärtsilä to Generate Power for Expanded Pakistani Cement Plant
The technology group Wärtsilä is to supply the generating equipment to provide the electrical power for an extension to a major Pakistani cement manufacturing facility. Cherat Cement Ltd has contracted Wärtsilä to supply three Wärtsilä 34DF dual-fuel engines capable of operating on both natural gas and heavy fuel oil (HFO). The total electrical output will be approximately 29 MW. Wärtsilä will also provide advisors to oversee the installation and commissioning of the engines. Read more…
ABB Wins Contract from CSTS Joint Operation in Indonesia
ABB has been selected by the CSTS Joint Operation to supply prefabricated electric substations for the Tangguh liquefied natural gas (LNG) expansion project. Read more…

Arriving from South America to the Port of Yantian