
Week #02 – 2018

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In this edition: American Export Lines – Los Angeles, California, USA | HBB – Hanseatic Breakbulk GmbH – Hamburg, Germany | VN Projects Ltd. – Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam >>>

Week #02 | 11th January 2018

Dear Readers,

Bo H. DrewsenWelcome back to Project Cargo Weekly! I hope that you entered the year of 2018 in style and that any subsequent hangovers have now subsided enabling you to take on the challenges of the new year. I also entered the year well, #MeToo, as many women around the world say these days. I celebrated at home in Stockholm, Sweden where I also had the once a year chance to see all 6 of my children together at the same time. Seeing them reminds me that I’m getting older, the rest of the year I can continue to pretend like I’m young.

On the international scene, it seems like the media hasn’t gone a day without reporting this or that about Donald Trump, I don’t know about you, but it’s starting to feel like they simply have nothing else to talk about. In my opinion, the world is bigger than any single individual, and although the US is important, the constant Trump bashing has become a bit boring.

For most people in the World, it is now back to normal, to work and try to improve the thickness of the wallet. In the western world especially we tend to buy a lot of stuff that we don’t need during Xmas and then make empty new years resolutions… C’est la vie as the French say.

For the 1st issue of 2018, we start with interviewing a project freight forwarder based in California showing us that the state is much more than film stars, sun, and surf.

We then fly back to Europe to speak to a competent shipbroker and consultant in heavy lift shipping.

Finally, we talk with an experienced project forwarder who owns a company in the tiger economy that is Vietnam.

You are then pointed to an interesting article about the future of the Mekong River followed by a featured shipment, shipping news and the bright future of port development according to an international law firm. We finish off with a video, photo, proverb, and quote of the week.

Enjoy and welcome back!

Yours sincerely,
Bo H. Drewsen


American Export Lines – Los Angeles, California, USA

Interview with

Mr. Kasra Ferasat
Marketing Director

I am not so familiar with freight forwarding in the US, but as a rule, how do the shipowners treat you? Do they treat bigger forwarders the same as smaller forwarders?

The answer depends on which shipping line! The major liners that focus on containers are for the most part very friendly and try to develop business with us since we have relationships going back 40 years with at least 10 liners. There are a few shipping lines that are more BCO (beneficial cargo owner) focused compared to others and we stay away from them unless they cover a lane that we must use them for.

HBB – Hanseatic Breakbulk GmbH – Hamburg, Germany

Interview with

Mr. André Milschus
Founder & Managing Director

What are some examples of cargoes you have handled?

In 2017, we worked mainly in three different vertical cargo markets; port equipment, renewables and maritime transport. We were involved in the transportation set-up for over 15 dismantled STS Container Gantry cranes. We handled the maritime logistics for several ultra long 82.5m offshore windmill blades. Our onshore wind department also created an impressive milestone by fixing a total of 150 single framed blades. In the maritime transport sector, we handle new or second hand floating equipment, such as large workboats, tugs, docks and casco barges.

VN Projects Ltd. – Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Interview with

Mr. John Truong
Owner & CEO

Can you tell us a bit about some of the project cargo that VN Projects has handled?

We chartered 2000 CBM of breakbulk cargo (biggest item: 70 metric tons) from Busan to Ho Chi Minh City.
We shipped a used crane (Capacity: 600 metric tons) from Batam to Ho Chi Minh City.
We moved two used cranes from Phu My to Chittagong.
We have transported many oversized loads by SPMT from the customer’s job site to the port and vice versa.

Editor’s Note

Is the Mekong River Set to Become the New South China Sea for Regional Disputes?

The mighty Mekong River is famous around the world and what is more fitting than directing your attention to this article recently in the South China Morning Post. Read more…

The Mekong River

Polytra Shipped Two 210mt Transformers from Belgium to Oman

Polytra Shipped Two 210mt Transformers from Belgium to Oman

Polytra Antwerp arranged the loading on a barge from Mechelen, Belgium and direct transshipment ex-barge Nebraska on board sea carrier “Rickmers Singapore” via vessel’s crane in Antwerp port for 2 transformers 500 MVA each weighing 210 tonnes. Additionall, 2000 frt pallet oil drums, cases, and crates with parts were loaded on Rickmers Singapore http://www.polytra.be

PCW-Shipping News

Maritime Piracy and Armed Robbery Reaches 22-Year Low, says IMB Report

A total of 180 incidents of piracy and armed robbery against ships were reported to the International Chamber of Commerce’s (ICC) International Maritime Bureau (IMB) in 2017, according to the latest IMB report. This is the lowest annual number of incidents since 1995, when 188 reports were received.

Legal News

2018 Set to be “Transformative Year” for Port Development, says Ince & Co

Leading international law firm Ince & Co has advised port operators to expect a year of transformation in 2018. Shifting economic trends, trade flows and global demographic patterns, in tandem with changes in port ownership and ongoing investment in modernisation and expansion are all creating the conditions for what could be a defining year for the global ports industry.

PCW-Featured Video

Sunset from a 13,000 TEU Container Vessel in the Indian Ocean

Sunset from a 13,000 TEU container vessel in the Indian Ocean.
Sunset from a 13,000 TEU container vessel in the Indian Ocean.
PCW-Featured Photo
Sunset in the Atlantic. A beautiful end to 2017 - let us all hope that 2018 will bring everyone luck and happiness.
Sunset in the Atlantic. A beautiful end to 2017 – let us all hope that 2018 will bring everyone luck and happiness.
PCW-Wise Words

“Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do”

– John Wooden –

“A wise man makes his own decisions; an ignorant man follows public opinion”

– Ancient Indonesian proverb –