Dear Readers,Thursday 17th May has arrived and so has Project Cargo Weekly (hopefully in your inbox and not your spam folder ?). Lately, I have been thinking a lot about life and what matters most, I decided to run through my “backpack” and update all paperwork relating to my kids, my will and ensure that nothing will fall between two chairs should I suddenly cease to exist.
Yours sincerely,
Bo H. Drewsen
All that is required is a second of inattention on the freeway when driving or being at the wrong place at the wrong time like happened to someone in Paris (again/again) last week.
We owe it to our relatives and children to have a clear plan and paperwork done NOW because without it all you leave behind is a mess and you create potential conflicts between family members.
My grandfather once told me: “Bo, the man is good but the money is better”. And by that he meant that people change when it comes to inheritance, money left in a will etc., thus for the sake of our dependents it is paramount to make our final wishes clear and get it on record.
Death and taxes are sureties of life so why pretend as if they don’t exist or won’t catch up with us. In this regard I recommend the book “Being Mortal” by Atul Gawande.
On the travel front I will be attending the Breakbulk Europe event in Bremen which takes place from the 29th to the 31st of May. Welcome to look me up at the CMA CGM booth no. 439 between 12.30 – 13.30 on the 31st of May – the place will be jam packed which makes it necessary to fix a meeting location in advance if you don’t have a booth.
In this issue we start off in Europe / the Black Sea region where we talk to a project freight forwarder in Odessa, Ukraine, a country that has frequently been in the news the last couple of years, but hopefully is now developing and going forward.
We then turn our eyes to Asia and visit Hong Kong where we speak to a shipowner running services from Asia to the Med (among others) and we finally end up in the land of the Incas and wonderful food, ie. Peru, South America where we also speak with a freight forwarder.
We also have the usual “condiments” after the interviews and I hope that you will enjoy them and learn something as there are wise words and proverbs that spring from a lifetime of experience.
Enjoy and have a great rest of the week.
Yours sincerely,
Bo H. Drewsen

Alphatrans Ltd. – Odessa, Ukraine
Interview with
Mr. Dmitriy Balaban
Managing Director
Ukraine has been in the news a lot in the last few years. Tell us about the current situation in your country, how about shipping?
Ukraine has indeed gone through a challenging period from 2013-2014 after the annexation of Crimea and the conflict in Eastern Ukraine which resulted in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions no longer being controlled by Ukraine.
The transport infrastructure (besides Crimean ports) was not affected, however cargo traffic squeezed substantially. Transit to/from Kazakhstan and other Central Asia countries via Russia is not possible, we can only deliver cargo via Belarus.
Nepa Shipping Agency HK Ltd.
Interview with
Mr. Koene van Aalst
Chartering Manager
First of all tell us about what kind of shipping services Nepa provides in the trade from Asia to Europe?
Nepa is the sole agent of Med Asia Shipping B.V., who are providing a semi liner service on the Far East – Mediterranean route, with flexible port calls. This is a service within the dry bulk sector with the prime focus on parceling. Typical commodities carried are all sorts of steel, forestry products, minerals, fertilizers, project cargoes (on and under deck) and more! Sizes are from a few hundred mts/cbm up to a full and complete shipment.
Andina Freight – Peru
Interview with
Ms. Emy Castro
Country Manager
How about inland transport in Peru do you have experience with that? Is customs clearance a problem in Peru?
Yes, we specialize in handling inland transportation; not only for regular cargo but also special inland transportation for project cargo using modular, low bed and special platforms along Peru, including some other countries in South America like Colombia, Chile, Bolivia and Ecuador.
Customs clearance in Peru is not a difficult process if you present the correct documentation at least three days prior to the arrival of the vessel or flight.

Enhanced Capacity for Handling Ultra-Heavy Cargoes – 600-Ton Crane Now Stationed in Port of Hamburg
Since the beginning of the year the Port of Hamburg has offered an optimized service portfolio for handling ultra-heavy loads. With an unit load capacity of 600 tons, ‘Enak’ is the most powerful salvage/floating crane in Germany. This heavyweight was formerly stationed in Bremerhaven. The new owner Lührs Schifffahrt, who acquired ‘Enak’ from Bugsier Reederei, has transferred the floating crane to Hamburg.
Former ANL Boss John Lines Joins Logistics Technology Platform Containerchain as Chairman of Advisory Board
Containerchain, creator of cloud-based software solutions for automating and synchronising operations across the landside container logistics industry announced today that industry veteran and outgoing managing director of ANL, John Lines, has joined its Advisory Board in the role of Chairman.

For more info please contact EMS Chartering GmbH & Co. KG, Bremen Office. Andreas Walter
+49 (0) 421 380 459 27
Plants & Processing
“The US Market is Ready for our Large Machine” says Arburg
Premiering its Allrounder 1120H injection moulding machine at NPE in Orlando this week, Arburg’s Managing Director of Sales, Gerhard Böhm, said the company had sold the machine on display at the expo and has already received further enquiries.
Railways & Mass Transit
Alstom begins testing new trains for Senegal
Alstom has begun testing the first dual-mode Coradia Polyvalent train built for Senegal. Testing is being carried out at Alstom Reichshoffen site in France prior to delivery.
Power Generation & Transmission
ABB to Supply Switchgear to Strengthen Indonesia’s Power Grid
As part of the order, ABB will design, supply and commission 150kV GIS for 10 substations in the greater Jakara area, Western Java, East Java and Sulawesi. According to the company, GIS technology offered reliable solution with compact footprint, allowing up to 90% space saving compared to conventional air-insulated switchgear.
Recycling Technology
Newell Equipment Finds Receptive Market in China
Scott Newell Jr., chairman and CEO of El Paso, Texas-based Newell Recycling Equipment LLC, says his company has installed or sold 19 auto shredding plants to scrap recyclers in the People’s Republic of China.
This Week in Shipping History
Light Moment of the Week

AAL delivers giant passenger boarding bridges for the World’s busiest cruise port, PortMiami.