Dear Readers,Welcome to Thursday, the 27th of September. Brexit is edging closer and there seems to be a bit of panic setting in, not only among the political establishment, but perhaps also among those businesses that count on Britain as their main market.
The U.K. is the 5th largest economy in the world and, although they are no longer a world-power like in the past, we still owe them for having the guts to stand up during the 2nd world war when some countries were weak and had an over-belief in their own defense capability.
History repeats itself and there is no doubt in my mind that any arrogance on the part of the remaining countries in the EU (most notably Germany and France) will not go down well.
The EU’s inability to reform itself seems largely to blame for the situation we find ourselves in now.. I remind you again about the traveling circus that is the EU parliament moving regularly between Brussels and Strasbourg. See this video clip and consider it: https://youtu.be/Hxibk3qfuPk.
Cost control is something that the EU and the establishment in Brussels were never able to manage. Heaven forbid their own, virtually tax-free, incomes and benefits should ever be frozen, let alone reduced.
Politics today is very much a game of survival of the least-fit with the parliament in Brussels becoming a retirement place for politicians who have finished their tenure in their national parliaments.
Having said that Great Britain must also understand that you are either in or you are out of the club. Considering what they have paid into the club versus what they have taken out they do, in my view, have the right to expect a fair exit treatment. Here is a video that neutrally explains Brexit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vps2r_xebU
Finally, I turn to the biggest scandal of the last week which took place in my native country of Denmark.
We Danes are normally proud of our history, democracy and compassion but I never thought that we would be ‘famous’ for our laundromats too. I am referring to the Danske Bank whitewash scandal where billions have apparently been laundered via one of their branch offices in the Baltic.
Now that our linen has been cleaned we can turn our attention to business.
Today’s interviews start in the proud country of India that experienced a kind of happier Brexit. In Mumbai we speak to a project and general freight forwarder who is reputable in a country where it can sometimes be difficult to find a project freight forwarder that you can trust.
We then fly west towards the bridge between Europe and Asia to speak to a strong Air Charter operator in Turkey that can provide you with urgent solutions in case you have project cargo to move that cannot wait for a seaborne solution.
Finally we speak to a qualified forwarder who can handle OOG in the country of Slovenia which, albeit small, has a very strategic location in the Adriatic sea with the famous gateway port of Koper.
To wrap up this week we have news, input, the video, photo and quotes of the week.
Until next week, I remain,
Yours sincerely,
Bo H. Drewsen

FEI Cargo Ltd – Mumbai, India
Interview with
Mr. Pratap Nair
You are located at the famous Gateway of India. Can you tell us firstly about how you got into shipping and logistics in the first place?
My entry into this field was purely accidental. While I was waiting for my university (B.Sc.) results, I temporarily substituted for a manager who was working for a customs broker. It was during this time that Air Freight Limited (now Dachser) put an advertisement in one of the newspapers. I was selected for a management trainee post after seven interviews! The rest is history. I was always fascinated with advertising. If I wasn’t a forwarder, I would have gone into advertising for sure.
QAS Charter
Interview with
Mr. Caglar Ozturk
Managing Partner
What is your main line of business? Do you ever carry ‘project cargo’, in other words cargo that is heavy and oversized and perhaps cannot wait for sea freight?
As QAS Charter we organize cargo, group passenger, VIP passenger, air ambulance and helicopter charters globally. If we look into flight figures, cargo charters are on the top. Most of the cargo charters have been operated to carry outsized project cargo since the company was founded. Most recently, we transferred seventy five tons of single piece gas turbine with AN-124. We do charters to transport civilian/military helicopters, armored vehicles etc. frequently.
2hm Logistics d.o.o – Slovenia
Interview with
Mr. Dejan Hervol
Can you please tell us a bit about 2hm Logistics, what is your main line of business?
Our main line of the business at the moment is ocean shipments, though we have noticed a huge increase in road department/trucking through Europe in the last six months. We have implemented air shipments officially this month and early feedback is really positive.
We are still a small, family-owned company that follows the mentality of ‘small teams, skilled people’ and we are hoping to implement this philosophy in the future on new markets in Europe.

Why China Buying Up Ports is Worrying Europe
Editor’s Note:
China is buying up ports around the world and there seems to be a long-term strategy behind it. Controlling the flow of cargo and trade is indeed a powerful weapon perhaps more so than a great navy.
Far-reaching commercial activities raise question of whether port investments are linked to military purposes and represent a security risk in host countries.
Pirates Kidnap Twelve from Swiss Bulk Carrier
Editor’s Note:
Imagine that 12 people were hijacked onboard an airplane owned by Swissair. The world’s reaction wouldn’t wait. Now it is 12 seafarers that are kidnapped from a Swiss owned bulk carrier and we may ask what is the world and the Swiss (with enough funds in their bank accounts) going to do about it?
Seven other crew members were on board the Massoel Shipping vessel Glarus at the time. The vessel was carrying wheat between Lagos and Port Harcourt in the Niger Delta, and the attack happened around 45 nautical miles south west of Bonny Island.
Scotline Announce Scot Carrier Launch
Editor’s Note:
It’s always impressive with a new ship launch, this time from the Bodewes Yard in Groningen, Holland.
Scotline are pleased to announce that on Friday 14th September the Scot Carrier was launched at Royal Bodewes Ship Yard in Groningen, Holland. She is the first of two sisters ships to be launched with Royal Bodewes and She will be the largest ship in the Scotline fleet with a DWAT of 4800mt.
Plants & Processing
Meera Receives $105,000 Purchase Order
Meera Industries Ltd have received a purchase order (along with advance) of USD 105,000 from a renowned yarn industry M/s Inbolsa Ltda in Bolivia, South America. Bolivia is the 20th Flag in company’s list of countries, and is another step forward in its vision of establishing Meera as leading global innovator company for manufacturing Textile Machinery for the yarn Industry. Read more…
Loesche to supply two grinding plants to San Miguel Northern Cement
San Miguel Northern Cement Incorporation is relying on proven LOESCHE technology for the new 5,000 t/d production line at the Sison site in the province of Pangasinan. The scope of supply includes two complete grinding plants, one with a LM 56.4 for cement raw material and one with a LM 35.3 D for sub-bituminous coal. Read more…
Hydroelectric Power
MANDE announces plans to overhaul 200-MW Acaray hydroelectric plant in Paraguay
MANDE (Administracion Nacional de Electricidad), the state power company of Paraguay, has announced it is moving forward with plans for rehabilitation and modernization of its 200-MW Acaray hydroelectric plant. Read more…
Shipping Training Video
Editor’s Note:
INCO terms are governing deliveries and world trade in many respects so you need to know them. There are many terms in logistics and this video will explain it to you or refresh what you already know.

Editor’s Note:
Rickmers Antwerp enroute to Haiphong, loaded with hydrofoils and cement machinery.

Taken by a passenger onboard a containership close to the Suez Canal.