Interview with Mr. Michael Shvarzman
ZIM Global Reefer & Special Cargo Unit Manager
ZIM is the largest ship owner in Israel, we believe, and runs several services around the world. Could you kindly provide our readers with an update on where you run services, either with your own tonnage and/or in cooperation with partners. What are your main trade lanes and where do you feel that ZIM is particularly strong currently?
ZIM is one of the leading global carriers (currently ranked 11th in the world according to Alphaliner), operating over eighty vessels. ZIM’s global reach extends to over a hundred countries, with a network of global and regional shipping services that connects to strategic main ports around the world. ZIM’s shipping line network covers the following major trades:
- Asia – Africa
- Asia – America
- Asia – Mediterranean
- Asia – South America East Coast
- Intra America & Caribbean
- Intra Asia
- Intra Mediterranean And Black Sea
- Mediterranean – North America
- Mediterranean – North Europe
- Mediterranean – South American East Coast
ZIM has operational strategic cooperation with the 2M Alliance on the Asia-US East Coast, Asia-Pacific North West and Asia–East Mediterranean trades, as well as having a strong presence in the Intra-Asia trade and Med-US/Canada.

Is ZIM Lines a government owned company?
No, ZIM is 32% owned by Kenon Ltd. as well as several other financial institutions and ship owners (68%).

What flag states are being used for ZIM Line vessels?
Various flags, according to business decisions, are being used.

ZIM Lines, I believe, generally accepts flat-racks and special equipment. How about break bulk cargo by container ship and OOG – is that something you carry on a regular basis? If so, are there any particular trade lanes where you mainly accept OOG and break bulk?
ZIM regularly carries OOG and break bulk cargo around the world. We have participated in many complicated projects transporting special equipment.

We have a dedicated, experienced team to help customers with finding solutions to suit their needs regarding such cargo.

Many of our readers are project freight forwarders. How is best to get in touch with you if our readers are based in Asia, North America, India or South East Asia for a quote? Also, where are your regional headquarters located worldwide?
Customers can contact our local agents in their respective countries for any information regarding carrying such cargo. Please use the contact page on the ZIM website: https://www.zim.com/services/project-cargo

Some ship owners today wish to go ashore and provide, at least in theory, the whole chain for their customers. Does ZIM also provide quotes for inland destinations, or are you mainly a port-to-port carrier?
ZIM teams are in contact with our customers throughout the entire logistics procedure, starting from the designing process, making sure the manufactured part can be shipped on a container vessel, on through the planning and execution of the actual shipping process, until the cargo arrives safely at its final destination. For each shipment, an array of experts – project managers, ship’s crew, land transportation specialists, surveyors and more – team up to handle the job in the best possible way. Optimal treatment of cargo is our top priority.

How is best to get in touch with you personally?
Customers can contact our local agent in their country for any information regarding carrying such cargo. Please use the contact page on the ZIM website: https://www.zim.com/services/project-cargo
I can be contacted at:
Shvarzman Michael
Also, you can contact:
Ginzberg Yifat
Shats Avner