Dear Readers,
It is Thursday, the 12th of March, and it is time again for our newsletter.
I don’t wish to be a Pete Repeat, but it does seem that the corona virus is on everyone’s agenda at the moment. Events are being postponed or cancelled, flights have never been as cheap as they are now, and tickets have never had as few restrictions to change as now is the case.
The latest report from China that I got tells me that things are improving, so now it is a question of whether the information from China can be trusted or not. Given the size of China, which sometimes is overlooked by foreigners, it does mean that there could be doubt about what we are being told by the authorities.
Having said that, it does seem that greater parts of Asia are safer places to be right now than Europe where Italy is standing out as the hardest hit and, as a country, virtually in a lock down mode.
It is impossible even to begin imagining the costs to the world, each country, people’s businesses and livelihood of this virus as travel (and thereby travel-related businesses such as hotels, travel agencies, airlines, etc.) and people’s movements grind to a halt. Let us all hope, and pray if you prefer, that this virus will be eradicated as soon as possible.
We are all most certainly in the same boat, and in this boat, there is no first, business, or economy class I think. Whether the virus will trigger a collapse of the world economy (or “correction” as they say in the financial industry) remains to be seen, but the fact remains that the world is in debt more than ever before and the easy printing of money, to keep on fuelling and inflating the value of assets, must sooner or later be rectified. There is an interesting article about it here from South China Morning Post.
On the shipping front, I would like to share a happy moment with you. The heavylift vessels, Zhen Hua 32 and Zhen Hua 33 are both coming to Stockholm this, and the following week. COSCO is handling the vessels via their sub-agents. The manager (now partner and country manager) of COSCO Shipping Lines here in Sweden is Mr. Erik L. Eriksen who was, in fact, my first trainee in COSCO in 1986 when we both moved to Stockholm. He has come a long way, and I am sure that it makes every man proud to see one’s trainee and former colleague develop into a capable and resourceful, all-around shipping person, along with the incredible development of COSCO and China, too, of course.
This video shows the 3500 ton heavy “golden bridge” for the Slussen area of downtown Stockholm seen en-route to Stockholm, where you can see it close up passing through the archipelago in Stockholm.
Next week, the Zhen Hua 32 is arriving with giant STS cranes for Stockholm/Norrvik, and, of course, I will be there at the discharging if possible. There is indeed a lot of “shipping” happening here, and I advise shipowners and freight forwarders to get out of their Gothenburg offices once in a while and visit the capital here by the Baltic Sea!
As a shipping man from 1984, I’m extremely happy to see that AAL – the well renowned breakbulk and project and heavy lift carrier – has launched a monthly liner service from Europe to Asia. With modern tonnage, 25 years’ experience in operating liner services and a long-term plan for the trade – in particular, in light of the names that are now past (Rickmers Line and Zeamarine) – it’s good news for both shippers and project forwarders to have this new option.
Video Here features one of AAL’s 31,000 dwt A-Class MPVs (the same class of vessel being employed on its new EU-ME/IN- ASIA Liner Service) discharging cargo in Europe, loaded in Asia.
Politically, I have nothing new to comment on, although I am sure that I will soon have food for thought on that score again. Instead, I am happy to tell you a bit about the kind of interviews we have in store for you today. With less traveling, now it is my hope that you have additional time to read more than just the editorial.
I start off with a quick visit to Maputo, Mozambique, and surprisingly, we speak to a Danish, project freight forwarder named Tschudi Logistics Group. They decided to open an office in Maputo, and they tell us their reasoning behind it.
We then elaborate on my recent visit to Dubai where I, as chairman of Cross Ocean Network, intend to invite members to a Dubai Creek Cruise. A famous man once said you need to treat your vendors with respect even though you are the customer. He was right, and thus, Creek Cruises is portrayed and interviewed in this newsletter as we will be using them in October.
Finally, I pay a visit to a Frenchman in Hong Kong, a former shipping man turned author and speaker, and knowledgeable, in particular, about the Silk Road and its influence on logistics. He wrote a book about it called, “Transportation & The Belt and Road Initiative—it’s available on Amazon.
We naturally continue our tradition with trade intel, shipping news, and wise words, and I trust you will find the newsletter interesting. Remember you are always welcome to comment by sending me an email: bo.drewsen@projectcargo-weekly.com
Until next Thursday, I remain,
Yours sincerely,
Bo H. Drewsen

Tschudi Logistics Group – Mozambique

Interview with
Mr. Thomas Vestergaard
Managing Director

How do you see Mozambique as a market overall? It is a big country, with lots of resources, but it also has transshipment possibilities. Does your office intend to get involved in all kinds of project forwarding or will you stick to a few selected areas?
I have worked on several projects in Africa throughout the years. I believe that the key to success is finding the balance between local adaptation and global complexity. In Africa, it is essential to be able to navigate risk in order to explore opportunities—something we have done for many years.
Tschudi Mozambique offers all kinds of project forwarding, purchasing services, and a local workforce in relation to ship management, Offshore & Towage, Ship-to-ship LNG. We benefit from being in a tight-knit group, so we can draw on know-how and resources from the eight other Tschudi companies.
Creek Cruises – Dubai, U.A.E.

Interview with
Miss Fretzie Nacion
Managing Director

Tell us about the company, Creek Cruises. As the name indicates, it is cruising on the Dubai Creek, yes?
Creek Cruises was established in 1995 with the true vision of offering the tourists a real taste of Arabia. Creek Cruises offers excitement and entertainment of a vastly different kind for Dubai’s visitors. Aboard our traditional Arabic Dhows, you can set out on a pleasure trip down the creek that will be a special way to admire the city’s skyline and more importantly, cherish the precious moments with your dear ones.
The company was named Creek Cruises to signify its literal meaning.
SCMO – Supply Chain Management Outsource
Interview with
Mr. Nicolas de Loisy

First of all, Nicolas, please tell our readers about your background in shipping?
As the son of a French military officer, I have lived in Europe, Africa, the Americas, and Asia. I am fluent in French, English, and German, and babble in most languages of Asia, starting with the “bad words”…
After my A-levels, I attended a European business school called the EBS (European Business School) in France, Germany, and the UK, which taught me many subjects, including transportation.
Then, I did third year doctoral studies in France. I focused on the “analysis of economic and financial data in an international context”. In French, it reads “DEA en prospective internationale” (or “how to foresee the future”). I worked in Europe and Canada for five years, and then I came to Hong Kong 25 years ago.

SAL Heavy Lift Showcases its Offshore Capabilities with the Greater Changhua Test-Pile Project in Taiwan
2019 proved to be an important year for SAL Heavy Lift when it came to offshore installation projects. As a highlight the Greater Changhua Test Pile Project in the waters off Taiwan stands out – a project SAL Heavy Lift completed over 3 months together with main contractor Per Aarsleff A/S. It was a complex project whereby SAL could utilize its experience in offshore test piling to ensure a successful project. Making use of MV Lone’s large deck space and a newly installed Fly-Jib, the vessel served as the perfect DP installation platform.
Two Pirate Boardings in One Day in Gulf of Guinea
Editor’s Note:
West Africa more than the Horn of Africa is becoming now notorious for pirate attacks. It seems beyond belief that the local governments covering the affected countries of West Africa cannot pool their resources and deal with this problem. Perhaps the seafarers have to be French, American, Russian or Israeli in order to things to happen these days.
On Thursday, Greek vessel operator Minerva Marine reported that the product tanker Minerva Virgo was boarded by pirates off the coast of Benin.
The vessel was boarded about 40 nm off Cotonou Thursday while on a voyage between the Netherlands and Lagos, Nigeria. The ship’s crew were able to take refuge in the citadel, according to the company. Unconfirmed reports suggest that one seafarer may have been captured in the altercation.
CMA CGM Sees China Operations Returning to Normal
Editor’s Note:
A sigh of relief it its true that China’s efforts to halt the virus has succeeded and that trade and business is starting slowly again, now it is Europe’s turn not to mention America’s
Here latest from Loadstar on CMA CGM, one of the mega-carriers out of China
French shipping group CMA CGM said its operations in China were returning to normal after the coronavirus outbreak crippled traffic last month, forecasting the global health crisis would have a limited impact on its performance this year.
The world’s fourth-largest container shipping firm said on Friday it expected to return to normal fleet capacity in China from mid-March. There had been signs of industrial production picking up since late February, it said.
Coronavirus: China’s Container Industry Looks for Any Port in a Storm as Activity Drops
Editor’s Note:
A self-explanatory but well written article here from South China Morning Post about the current situation that hopefully is improving now.
China’s top eight ports, including Shenzhen and Shanghai, reported a nearly 20 per cent drop in container traffic in February from a year earlier, according to the latest weekly statistics complied by the China Ports and Harbours Association.
The association, an industry group under the Ministry of Transport, said the ports, which also include Ningbo, Guangzhou, Tianjin, Xiamen, Dalian and Qingdao, confirmed container traffic at the eight ports also dropped 19.8 per cent last month from a year earlier.

Toray German Subsidiary to Construct Second Plant for Key Components for Hydrogen Fuel Cells and Water Electrolyzers
Toray Industries, Inc., announced today that German subsidiary Greenerity GmbH held a groundbreaking ceremony a day earlier for its second plant. This will be in an industrial area of Alzenau, Bavaria, around 10 kilometers southwest of Hanau. That company develops, manufactures, and sells components for hydrogen fuel cells. The new facility is scheduled to go on line in November 2021.
Vow ASA: Vow Cruise Contract at CSSC for CSSC Carnival
Vow ASA has, through its subsidiary Scanship AS, been awarded a contract with CSSC for the delivery of its waste management system including garbage handling and foodwaste processing to a cruise vessel to enter service in 2022 under the new brand CSSC Carnival; a joint venture between American cruise line Carnival Corporation & plc, Chinese sovereign wealth fund China Investment Corporation and the shipyard CSSC.
Porvair Appoints South Korean Distributor
Porvair Filtration Group has named Meta-Innovations Co Ltd as its distributor in South Korea.
Meta-Innovations, which has more than 15 years of experience in the gas processing and gas service industries, will focus on growing and maximising existing opportunities in South Korea.
First Gen Unit Seeks DOE Nod to Build LNG Terminal in May
The wholly owned subsidiary of Lopez-led First Gen Corp. (First Gen) filed Thursday an application for a Permit to Construct, Expand, Rehabilitate and Modify (PCERM) an Interim Offshore LNG Terminal within the First Gen Clean Energy Complex in Batangas City.
The permit, when issued, will allow the company to modify an existing liquid fuel jetty that will enable it to become multiple-use, allowing the receipt of large and small-scale LNG vessels, as well as liquid fuel vessels, and build an adjunct onshore gas receiving facility.

Onboard the CMA CGM Georgia Close to Rodondo Island
Editor’s Note:
Slowly being overtaken by ANL Grippsland south of Melbourne footage taken during ocean voyage holiday last July. www.cross-ocean.com/ocean-voyages/

Editor’s Note:
The bridge section for “Slussen”manufactured in China and shipped by mv Zhen Hua 33 arriving in downtown Stockholm yesterday afternoon. The seavoyage took 70 days and was delayed mainly because of rough seas in the Bay of Biscay. Now the job of placing it to foundation remains and how they plan to do it with this 3500 ton heavy and 145 meter long and 45 meter wide piece you can see here: https://youtu.be/y5JkJC3ZTFc