Dear Readers,
It is Thursday, the 2nd of April, and Project Cargo Weekly is hopefully at your inbox again.
The past week has certainly not seen much traveling, not even domestic traveling here in Sweden, let alone even in the capital of Stockholm. Although we are not in complete lockdown mode like so many countries around us, there is very noticeably much much fewer people on the streets, in the shops, or anywhere for that matter.
Lockdown seems also to have played a role in the much acclaimed EU solidarity pact, but it turned out to be hogwash because shipments of PPE equipment, although paid for, were either stopped for export by Germany or France or simply stolen enroute. EU cannot find common ground when it comes to migration—and certainly not when it comes to life-threatening pandemics—and it does create one important question: WHAT is the use of paying enormous amounts of money to that bureaucrat-ridden gravy train in Brussels ?
Well, at least one thing is for sure, the ridiculous waste of taxpayer money by moving the parliament once a month for 4 days from Brussels to Strasbourg (due to what I have been told was a stubborn French demand) has stopped for now. Let us hope that we rethink many strategies on both national and international levels after this virus.
As far as the PPE equipment, though, Chinese suppliers have in some cases “come to the rescue”, but only to have their products of PPE equipment rejected for inferior quality by governments who have scrambled to fill the huge demand. If anyone can clamp down on rogue traders or substandard suppliers like that it is China, so China, fight them as you did the virus, please! Here is an interesting article in the South China Morning Post that gives us food for thought on our leaders whether they are national, EU or international.
Trying to say something else in this editorial is a bit difficult, but I am a keen believer in trying to continue to work with what one can, regardless of the situation around you. As they say in AA, why bother about things that you cannot change?
Here’s an example. Today, it is the 2nd of April, my ex wife’s birthday (born in 1976). Yesterday, April 1st, it was my current wife’s birthday (born in 1976, too). In the beginning, it was a hassle to remember to send the right flowers on the right dates, but I have now, after some years, gotten the hang of it because again, it’s yet another thing that won’t change.
Thinking about the current situation again, I do keep social distance which means that I am unable to help with both the kitchen work and vacuum cleaning, so yes, it is quite an ordeal. Whilst on that note, I do believe that with a lockdown mode of the severity we are seeing, it does put quite a strain on relationships. They are now being put to the test. Already warnings are out in Australia and the UK to buy less alcohol, and in my native country, Denmark the shelter for battered women is seeing an increase in their “cases”. Scary but true, and the saying that a crisis brings out the best and worst in people is very true!
Business-wise this week, I have also some sad business news to share. A friend of mine with more than 40 years in shipping, logistics, and networking, Mr. Henrik Christensen passed away due to an aggressive form of cancer. I have written a small “tribute” to him in memoriam below.
Moving on, we have managed to get one interview, and that is with the Port of Stockholm who tell us about their plans for expansion now that they are about to open the new deepwater berth at Stockholm/Norrvik with brandnew STS cranes as shown to you in last week’s PCW.
We then add an interview from the archives with a well-renowned shipowner, SAL who has a capability like few others for engineering and heavylift shipping. They just recently, I believe, even ordered new tonnage.
We end our newsletter with shipping news, trade intel, picture and video of the week, and wise words, and we send you our best wishes about safety, security, and health for all.
Until next Thursday, I remain,
Yours sincerely,
Bo H. Drewsen

Henrik Christensen – RIP
Editors Note
My friend and business contact in networking from the start of CLC Projects, Mr. Henrik Christensen, passed away recently after a short battle with cancer. I first got to know Henrik some 15 years ago, I believe it was when he was attending a network meeting called IFFOO, where I, as owner of Martin Bencher also took part. We got along well, not because we were both Danish citizens, but also because we generally saw eye to eye in the value of true networking on a global scale.
I learned a lot from Henrik and agreed with him early-on to continue his legacy in developing CLC Projects as he was pursuing new goals, in particular, with energy projects in West Africa, railway transportation via Siberia and other novel ideas that made him stand out. A longterm resident of Hong Kong, we even spoke English instead of Danish to each other. Last time I met him was at a nice lunch in the Marco Polo Hong Kong hotel together with Mr. Alvin Ho of SF Freight where we discussed new network ideas. Henrik always had something new cooking and was a fountain of ideas on how to move forward in life.
His logistics industry career started in Africa in the late 1970’s and included stints for K&N, Bellville and besides his involvement in several networks, either as owner or consultant, he most recently was involved in renewable projects in Ghana and founded Guinea Shipping Corporation in light of the country’s huge high grade iron ore and bauxite reserves.
I shared the news of his untimely demise in a WhatsApp Group for network owners with reactions of sadness and grief, but also thankfulness for his contributions in return. Among many others they include:
Mr. John Dauernheim
Mr. Nils Walle, Freight Summit
Mr. Roy Magee, networks
Mr. Angus Morrison, networks
Mr. Gary Dale Cearley, networks
Mr. Cody Abram, networks
Mr. Koen Roeyers, networks
Mrs. Heidi Kennedy, networks
and the list goes on…
His legacy will live on and he will be fondly remembered. Thank you Henrik for all the good deposits you made in mine and others memory bank!

Cargo Ports of Stockholm, Sweden
Interview with
Mr. Nicklas Ebersson
Marketing Manager

First of all Nicklas, kindly explain to our readers what Ports of Stockholm mean? Does it mean that you have more ports in the area or more ports under your responsibility? Please outline for us where the ports are or will be in the future.
That’s correct! Ports of Stockholm consists of a number of different ports within the greater Stockholm area. From Kapellskär in the North to Nynäshamn in the south, and as of the 4th of May this year, we will open the brand new cargo and container port, Stockholm Norvik Port. We are pleased that our ports are located in one of the world’s largest growing area in the world—Mälardalen. 50% of Sweden’s consumption takes place in the Mälardalen region, and therefore, we are pleased that cargo is arriving by seas as close to the end customers as possible. It’s a more sustainable solution compared to land and other modes of transport.
SAL Heavy Lift GmbH – Germany
Interview with Mr. Jürgen Kuntz
Senior Manager, Head of Africa Chartering Desk
Tell us a bit about the type of ships that SAL employ in the service. I believe you can call many smaller ports with your type of ships? Are your ships also heavily geared?
The ships we are using right now are featuring heavy lift gear between 550-900 ts combined capacity. Those ships indeed have the capability to enter small out of the way ports with a shallow draft. However, our 176 and 183 class with 1400 – 2000 ts lifting capacity can be made available too. It all depends on the cargoes and projects we can secure. SAL also has semi-submersible and roro capabilities which can be available on request and according to the nature of the cargo.

Breakbulk Europe Moves To September
USNS Comfort Arrives in New York Harbor
Editor’s Note:
In an almost warlike situation against the unseen enemy, the hospital ship USNS COMFORT arrived in New York recently.
The U.S. Navy Military Sealift Command hospital ship, with over 1,000 hospital beds and hundreds of doctors, will serve as a referral hospital for patients not infected with COVID-19.
Geodis Establishes an Air Bridge from China to Transport Millions of Masks
Editor’s Note:
Let us, for gods sake, hope that the masks arriving are NOT of inferior quality as several countries around Europe already returned substandard masks. Embarrassing, to say the least, and hopefully China can clamp down on suppliers of substandard goods once and for all.
GEODIS has been commissioned by the French Government to organize the emergency supply of millions of masks from China to France.
In order to respond to requests from the national authorities, GEODIS is planning 16 flights over the coming weeks, representing in volume terms approximately 2400 m3 of capacity weekly. If necessary, this schedule could be extended into the month of May.
Port of Hamburg Information on the Effects of the Coronavirus
The coronavirus has become a dominant global concern. A challenging situation to which everyone must adapt. The Port of Hamburg as well as its key market regions and inland supply chains are also affected by COVID-19. Port of Hamburg Marketing (HHM) collects all relevant news in cooperation with its worldwide representative offices, members and partners to keep port customers and the public up-to-date.

Valmet to supply a hard nip sizer to Asia Paper Manufacturing in the Republic of Korea
Valmet will supply a new sizing section with a hard nip sizer to Asia Paper Manufacturing at Sihwa Mill in the Republic of Korea. The main target for the rebuild of paper machine PM 1 is to increase strength properties of produced container and gypsum board grades. The start-up of the rebuilt paper machine is scheduled for the second half of 2021.
Suzuki Invests $100m to Raise Myanmar Production Capacity
Suzuki Motor announced on Monday that it will increase production at one of its factories in Myanmar. It will introduce a new line for four-wheeled vehicles at its plant in southeastern Yangon that will handle tasks like painting car bodies. Suzuki has two factories in the country.
TBEA Orders 50 MW of Vestas Turbines for Wind Project in China
Chinese power transformers maker TBEA Co Ltd (SHA:600089) has placed an order for 50 MW of wind turbines from Vestas Wind Systems A/S (CPH:VWS). The turbines will be shipped to the Chinese eastern province of Shandong for TBEA’s Wanghaotun wind project
Access to Cancer Treatment Gets Major Boost in Mexico
Elekta today announced that San José Moscati Hospital has placed a significant order for advanced Elekta radiation therapy solutions, with Elekta Unity as the flagship. This will substantially reinforce the country’s radiotherapy capacity. The equipment will be installed in the new private hospital, which is currently under construction and will be the largest private hospital in Queretaro State, in the next 12 to 18 months.

COVID-19: Aviation’s Fight For Survival
Editor’s Note:
Although it is not shipping directly, we all depend on air travel to get to and from meetings. In view of the COVID-19 crisis many airports have shut down, airlines have grounded nearly all their flights and the skies are cleaner than ever before, which can be seen in the pollution indexes, especially over China and Europe. Here is an interesting video by Sam Chiu that highlights the huge change in air travel due to this pandemic. We at PCW hope that things will normalise for all of us soon.

Shipment from Long Beach to Surabaya on BBC Emsland
Editor’s Note:
Traditional breakbulk cargo loaded on a BBC vessel from Long Beach to Surabaya, kindly contributed by American Export Lines. The cargo was crated generators for the huge island nation of Indonesia.
American Export Lines: www.shipit.com