Dear Readers,It is Thursday the 21st of January and here we are again with the 2nd edition lf PCW 2021.
Finding something else to say besides lamenting about the corona situation locally, globally, etc. is becoming more and more difficult, but it is no doubt at the forefront of everyone’s mind at the moment. We are all becoming experts in Teams, Zoom or whatever the product is called, enabling us to meet each other on-line, and whilst we are constantly told to keep a distance to everyone but the closest acquaintances, it is becoming increasingly irritating. So I do take refuge in the fact that vaccines seem to be coming on stream now bigtime.
However, as for traveling and, in my case, wishing for or rather craving for visiting Asia, it is a longshot and likely won’t happen until after the summer—if even then. Who wants to travel to a couple of destinations and then face the inevitable isolation at the hands of the local government or even face the fact that rules may have changed and you are unable to return home? Still, it is, of course, a mere fly in the ointment compared to the millions that have paid the ultimate price of this pandemic.
Democracy seems to be under attack in the country which boasts of being the cradle of it, i.e., the US. The world looked on in horror as the Capitol was stormed by fanatics (see this video) convinced that Trump is not a sore loser but, in fact, a genuine loser of the election due to fraud.
I spoke to a couple of friends in Houston (by Zoom) today and asked them their feelings about it. They told me that healing the divisions of the country is the single most important thing for the new president to deal with. Fanatics on both sides are hell bent on making trouble and having it their way is indeed dangerous for the democracy and freedom that we hold dear. I could well imagine the Chinese, Russian and North Korean presidents having had a Zoom conference giving each other high five’s online after seeing the chaos in Washington DC and then seeing a capital in virtual lockdown with thousands of armed law enforcement and national guard officers if not outright military. Some democracy! Still, the pillars of democracy seem to have stood their ground….but the word fragile comes to mind.
COVID-19 has been good, though, for many in logistics and in airfreight, and money due to exorbitant freight rates have been pouring in to the coffers of those with capacity in the right place at the right time, but I suspect that it will correct itself at some point. China’s economy keeps humming on, and the pride with which some Chinese think that they “handled” the virus after first “developing” it does leave a bad taste with many (see video here). I think the reputation of the country will need some time to recover fully to that of pre-pandemic days and rightly so. Any country where things can be delayed and covered up irrespective of consequences for everyone else needs to change!
On the shipping front, we have two written and one video interview in store for you today. We start off by talking to a Danish native living in Texas for many years, running a company strong into the Caribbean among others. We then visit the country of the most governments ever since the 2nd World War, Italy, where a local project freight forwarder tells us what Italy is about logistics-wise nowadays. We finally have a video interview with the reputable Hugo Stinnes Linien, famous for breakbulk services around the Atlantic Ocean, i.e., Europe to Mexico/US Gulf from there to South Africa and back again straight north to Europe again.
We provide you with shipping news, trade intelligence, wise words and the usual featured picture and video of the week.
Hope you enjoy this 2nd of our 2021 newsletters, and whilst reminding you that we are open for advertising (although only allowing 4 in each issue) we wish you a continued good week.
Until next week, we remain,
Yours sincerely,
Bo H. Drewsen

Dan-Gulf Shipping Inc. – Metairie, LA, U.S.A
Interview with
Mr. Niels Busse

First of all Niels, you are a Danish native but you have been residing in the US for many years right? Could you tell our readers a little about your own story, i.e. getting into shipping in the first place and ending up in the US Gulf?
Sure, my dad sailed for the East Asiatic Company for a couple of years as a Steward on board M/V Kambodia. I always enjoyed listening to his experiences on board the vessel and of the many places the job on board would take him, mainly Far East/USWC, etc. Hence, I started my shipping career in Aarhus, Denmark in 1976 where I worked for a company called Bergmann, Smith & Co., which was a branch office of the old East Asiatic Company. It was a 3-year apprenticeship with a broad education which involved anything from handling containers on both the export and import side, refrigerated and frozen cargo, break/bulk both in containers as well as break bulk on ro-ro and conventional tonnage loading/discharging right outside our office. It was a great well rounded education which also included agency, operations, documentation from the ground up, dealing with railroads, truckers, and of course, the ships.
Zaninoni I.F.A. SpA – Bergamo, Italy
Interview with
Mr. Andrea Colombo
Board Member

Could you elaborate on this history of Zaninoni Italy and more importantly the ownership of the company?
Zaninoni IFA S.p.A. was founded in 1979, when my father Angelo and my grandfather Carlo, together with other two families, Mazzucchelli and Adinolfi, took over a little transport company nearby to Bergamo. Today, after 40 years, the company is still driven by the same three families. The second generation is now working side-by-side with the founders, thus creating a winning synergy between young dynamism and decennial expertise.
Hugo Stinnes Schiffahrt Interviewed by Project Cargo Weekly

First of Eight F900 Eco-Lifter Newbuildings was Delivered to United Heavy Lift GmbH
Editor’s Note:
United Heavy Lift is on a roll and my native Danish friends are doing a good job developing UHL rapidly. A pleasure to see, and with new and modern tonnage, they are no doubt at the forefront when it comes to partipating in the burgeoning renewable project cargo industry shipping-wise.
The first in a series of eight state-of-the-art F900 Eco-Lifters newbuildings, MV UHL Faith, was delivered to United Heavy Lift (UHL) on January 18, 2021. UHL is taking delivery of the newbuilding MV UHL Faith at the CSSC shipyard in Hudong, China. “We affirm our company’s commitment to contributing to an eco-friendly shipping industry by investing in fuel-efficient tonnage. We look forward to taking delivery of six identical newbuildings in 2021 and two in early 2022.” says Mr. Rolner, senior advisor and founder of the United Group.
Ocean Carriers Battling the COVID Cargo Crunch
Editor’s Note:
Pent up demand has meant that virtually all vessels are fully booked out of Asia. Shipments are being rolled and rates are sky high, so it’s been happy COVID-19 days for most containership owners. I hope it’s being enjoyed while it lasts.
The unparalleled disruptions to the international supply chain experienced over the last year are not caused by one party in the chain; they are the result of sudden and radical changes to the demand for goods due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. Industry analysts, observers and participants agree on that. To get through this time and stabilize supply chains all parties need to work together, taking a constructive approach rather than assigning blame.
High-Speed Crew Internet Access Made Simple
Editor’s Note:
The best news if true for the seafarers – the ability to call/see their families easily by using internet the way all of us ashore are almost used to.
Fleet Hotspot powered by Fleet Xpress allows crew the freedom to access a dedicated Wi-Fi portal and manage internet access on their own devices.
With Fleet Hotspot there’s no need for your crew to find a PC and wait in line to talk to their loved ones. Crew can simply log in from their laptop,tablet or mobile phone from anywhere on the vessel at anytime.
Luka Koper News – January 2021
Editor’s Note:
The Port of Koper in Slovenia, Adriatic Sea is developing still, and with a location at Europe’s soft underbelly but still in reach of markets in Central and Eastern Europe with better inland connections, it’s growing in importance. Here is their latest news telling you more.
Maritime Throughput 2020
Despite pandemic, container segment remained stable in 2020.
State Purchases Land For Port Development
Port of Koper activities for environmental care, employee health and satisfaction, business performance and responsibility towards the society in one document: The Strategy of Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development.
State Purchases Land for Port Development
The state has purchased land owned by the Municipality of Ankaran which, according to the National Spatial Plan, was intended for port development.

Gem Moves to Boost Stake in Indonesian HPAL Project
Chinese battery materials producer GEM has announced plans to double its stake in the Indonesian HPAL (high pressure acid leach) project, PT QMB New Energy Materials, located at the Indonesia Morowali Industrial Park (IMIP).
Siemens Gamesa Secures 465MW Deal in Brazil
The wind farm will be equipped with 75 Siemens Gamesa 5.8-170 turbines with OptimaFlex technology, operating at 6.2 MW. The wind farm, in the state of Bahia, is forecasted to be in operation by the end of 2022. Essentia Energia will provide the energy produced at the site to a major electricity provider in the country through a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA).
Spain’s Reganosa Chosen to Operate Tema LNG Receiving Terminal in Ghana
Under the contract, Reganosa will be responsible for the operation and maintenance (O&M) of the FSU and the FRU, as well as the associated 6km gas pipeline and a pressure reduction and metering station that will be connected to the existing pipeline network.
Pinnacle Renewable Energy Extends Japanese Off-take Contract
Canada-headed industrial wood pellet producer Pinnacle Renewable Energy Inc. has recently announced that it has entered into an extension of a long-term, take-or-pay off-take contract with Mitsubishi Corporation Ltd (Mitsubishi), a large, diversified trading company in Japan.

United Heavy Lift Newbuild Arriving Port of Köpmanholmen Sweden
Editor’s Note:
United Heavy Lift that just acquired several newbuildings and had one of their vessels in the very tiny port of Köpmanholmen, Northern Sweden at the end of 2020. Here is a bit of footage from the ship’s arrival after a long voyage coming from Vietnam.

Editor’s Note:
For many a seafarer arriving towards Copenhagen, it is a sight to behold seeing the castle of Kronborg on the starboard side. The location for Shakespeare’s Hamlet and a Unesco World Heritage, it is indeed a sight for sore eyes. Took this day and night view when last visiting Denmark.