
Nina Bjerg (PCW Intern) – PA to the Editor in Chief

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First of all Nina, please tell our readers about yourself: who you are, your background, and how did you land a job as a PA intern with Project Cargo Weekly?

My name is Nina Bjerg, and I am 19 years old. I just recently finished my 3-year education in the higher commercial examination program (HHX) where I studied marketing, international economics, and business economics in English. Other than my education, I was working in a supermarket up until the summer of 2020.

I am currently working as the PA to the chief editor of Project Cargo Weekly. Hopefully, I will soon travel to Malaysia to work and travel. I landed the job as a PA intern at Project Cargo Weekly through my dad who has known Bo since they were young. I was very fortunate  that Bo wanted to help me experience the world and the shipping industry.

Did you know anything about shipping & logistics before?

I did not know that much about shipping or logistics before talking to Bo. However, during this last month, I have learned a lot about both. It has been really interesting to get greater knowledge about this market.

Have you travelled around the world before, and if so, which countries have you visited?

I have travelled a lot with my family in a lot of countries: Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, Mexico, South Africa, Hong Kong, Japan, Kuwait, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea, Thailand, United Arab Emirates and Vietnam. So, I have been to quite a lot of places considering my age, and this has only made me want to travel even more.

Nina's travel map

What is your plan as PA in Project Cargo Weekly?  Where will you be stationed?  

My plan as PA in Project Cargo Weekly is to travel and meet new people. This was what I wanted to do in my sabbatical year(s), so it is an amazing opportunity.

At the moment, I will be stationed in Denmark until the Covid-19 situation is better in the world. However, when things clear up in Asia, I have plans to move to Kota Kinabalu in Malaysia where I will be staying for a few months or even a year.

Since late July, you have had some time to get shipping & logistics training in both DK-Grenaa and DK-Aarhus.  Please tell our readers about what you have learnt, what you have tried in both Østship ( in DK-8500 Grenaa and Shiplog ( in DK/Aarhus.  

Before my time as an intern in Oestship and Shiplog I knew close to nothing about shipping and logistics. It has never really been something I have heard that much about. 

So, starting at Oestship, I was open to learning anything. I have been getting a really close look at the practical side of shipping. For example, I was with them at the harbor, on the ships, and even tried to go into the cranes—which was something I never imagined I would be trying. 

Later, I went to Shiplog where I was taught a lot of the theory behind shipping and a lot about logistics. Here, I also learned a lot about being a freight forwarder which was very interesting.

So, during these three weeks, I got to see different parts of shipping and heard about different jobs within the shipping world. Furthermore, I can now say that I have a lot more knowledge about this market and I am interested in learning more.

Now that our readers know that you will be stationed in Malaysia (when possible), why are you keen on a career which gives you the chance to live and work in Asia?

I have enjoyed travelling in Asia and meeting people in the countries I have been to. Therefore, Asia was a place I really wanted to either travel to or work in during my sabbatical year(s) after my education. 

The cultures and traditions in Asian countries have also been very interesting to me, even when I was younger. Therefore, the possibility of me living in Malaysia for a few months or even a year, was something I had to try.

Having an intern at PCW is not a usual situation. Our readers might be interested in getting in touch with you. How is it best for them to do that?

To get hold of me, you can either write an email to or use my phone number +45 52509000.

Nina Bjerg Photo