
NOSCO – Cairo, Egypt

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Interview with

Mrs. Doaa Elhady
Business Development Manager

Doaa Elhady

First of all, Doaa can you tell us about the history of NOSCO?  Who are the owners?

NOSCO is a shareholding company which was established in 1976 with the idea of providing services in the Egyptian trucking industry, especially the heavy haul industry. Throughout years of experience & with the competency of our team, we have managed to expand the services we provide to our clients so as to fulfil most of their needs in the logistics industry, whether in customs clearance, transportation of general cargo & container shipments, warehousing, packaging, freight forwarding, shipping agency, port handling operations, etc. 


Do you have experience in handling project cargoes to & from Egypt? Could you perhaps provide our readers with some examples?

Yes, sure. We had the pleasure of being the logistics provider for several projects in different sectors that have served to boost the economic sector of our beloved country such as: 

Oil & Gas industry: Zohr gas plant, Midor Refinery project as well as Expansion project, Assuit refinery project, West Nile Delta project, ERC Mustorod refinery project. 

Ammonia Urea plant industry: Kima fertilizers project.

Power plant industry: Assuit & Damietta simple and combined cycles, Brullus power plant, Damietta & Shabab power plants, Banha power plant, Sokhna power plant. 

Petrochemical industry: Ethylene & Polyethylene plants. 

Railway industry: We have just successfully delivered the first train out of 7 trains, each consisting of 15 train cars from Alexandria port to Cairo city limits.

In addition to the above, please check our website www.noscoegypt.com where you can find more details.

Egypt is a country that is booming at the moment. What can you tell us about the main ports being used in your country for project cargoes?

Generally speaking, for cargo arriving from Europe and America, we consider Alexandria, Dekhila, Port Said & Damietta ports. 

For cargo arriving from Asia, we consider Addabiyah & Sokhna ports. 

However, the final decision regarding the most convenient port of arrival is based on receiving exact offloading site coordinates, as well as the packing list of the expected cargo, showing full dimensions & weights to be able to check route obstacles, bridge capabilities, tension cables that will be crossed, and finally based on our engineering department studies, we revert back to client with the best port of arrival.


How about customs clearance in Egypt?  Is it difficult, and what can you advise overseas customers to take care of specifically BEFORE shipping cargo to Egypt?

Our Ministry of Finance has applied a new system relevant to the customs clearance procedures. It  is the  Advance Cargo Information system. The consignee must be registered on a platform called Nafeza to receive an ACI # after uploading drafts of the shipping documents ( PL and commercial invoice ). This ACI # is submitted to the shipper once received, so as to be included in the final set of the shipping documents & the shipper is requested as well to upload all shipping documents on the CargoX platform. 

Of course, in the beginning we have witnessed several problems and delays, but now procedures are running much better & smoothly. 

 Our advice to our clients is to provide us with drafts of all shipping documents prior to their final issuance to enable our customs clearance team to check them carefully & to revert back with any requirements / modifications that might be needed, so as to ensure smooth clearance procedures upon the shipment’s arrival without facing any delays.


How is the COVID-19 situation currently affecting logistics in/out of Egypt?

Covid-19 was a nightmare which the whole world encountered two years ago & which had a very big impact on all the industries world-wide, not only the supply chain industry. However, considering the efforts taken by the Egyptian government & Ministry of Health through spreading awareness regarding safety measurements & precautions that should be considered & ensuring that most people are vaccinated, we have managed to return back cautiously to our lives as we have no other choice except to cope with it.

Are you currently a member of any freight forwarding networks?  What is your experience about being part of such networks?

Yes, we planned this year to become a member in some of the reliable reputable freight forwarding networks & we have successfully became a member in 4 reliable networks. 

We are actually pleased with this experience as it gave us the opportunity to expand our database and hopefully to gain new leads. 


 How is it best for our readers to get in touch with you?

It will be my pleasure to receive all of your inquiries / clarifications by email or mobile as shown below:Email – Doaa.elhady@noscoegypt.com
Mobile – 01220002269
Website: https://www.noscoegypt.com/