Kamor Logistics Ltd – Israel

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Interview with

Ms. Ayelet Oren
Forwarding Manager

First of all, could you tell our readers about the history of Kamor Logistics?  Who owns it, and what is your main line of business, etc?

“Kamor Logistics” was founded in 2016. Our company is a subsidiary of “Kamor Shipping and Tanker Services” which has existed since 1996.

Our main business concentrates on projects. We aim to serve as a logistical provider for parties active in infrastructural works on a national scale.

We also handle Door-to-Door shipments of all kinds by sea and air import and export.

Israel Map

Israel has several ports. Could you tell us about the ports available for handling project cargoes and the ones that are mostly used for serving your international trade?

The most active ports in Israel are Haifa & Ashdod. Both are used for international trade. The final choice of which port depends on the project.

Kamor Logistics - Tel Aviv Light Rail Project Photo 02

Do you have experience in handling project cargoes?  If so, could you provide us with a few examples?

Please see below 3 of our many projects:

Example 1: **Recently we have finished a wide-scale project named theTel Aviv Light Rail (also called Dankal wagons delivery). Over the last 2 years, 90 units were shipped and assembled.

This new transport mode is currently under construction and is very much awaited by Tel Aviv metropolitan area residents. The goal is to finally create modern and high-speed connections in the most populated part of Israel between such cities as Tel Aviv, Petah Tikva, Bnei Brak, Ramat Gan, Bat Yam, Herzliya, Holon, Rishon LeZion, etc. The line is expected to be completed in late 2022.

Kamor Logistics - Tel Aviv Light Rail Project Photo 03

Example 2: **Heavy Geothermal Power Plant modules delivery from Haifa Port in Israel to Izmir in Turkey.

The shipment consisted of 12 units for a Geothermal Power Plant Project.

The items were produced by a local Israeli leading industrialist that produces components and parts for geothermal power plants

Kamor Logistics’ scope of work here was to charter a General Cargo Coaster for the voyage, rent a private heavylift hydraulic crane for loading, manage the stowage and cargo securing, and delivering the cargo under hook in Izmir.

All cargo units were loaded onboard mv Envar, a small general cargo coaster vessel chartered by Kamor Logistics for the mission. The loading, stowage, and cargo securing were meticulously planned and performed by Kamor Logistics’ team of experts. The cargo was released and discharged by our trusted Turkish counterpart, Ilya Shipping.

This was yet another challenging task successfully executed by Kamor Logistics Ltd.

Heavy Geothermal Powerplant Modules 01

Example 3: **Railcar Bogies for the Israeli Train Company

Kamor Logistics was contracted to deliver 50 units of ‘Y25 type’ railcars bogies from the manufacturer in Slovakia to receiver’s yard in Hadera, Israel.

Kamor Logistics Railcar Bogies for the Israeli Train Company

The Bogies were loaded on trucks at Producers’ plant in Poprad, Slovakia, and then transported to our designated Depot in Koper, Slovenia.

In Koper we had the Bogies loaded in two tiers on Flat Rack that were then shipped from Koper Port to Haifa Port on a container liner.

We managed the preplanning and the containers’ lashing program using our in-house Port Captain.
In Haifa we had the flats loaded on designated railcars that delivered them to receivers’ Depot in Hadera, where the Flats were duly stripped and emptied, and then duly returned to Port.

Kamor Logistics Railcar Bogies for the Israeli Train Company

 How about customs clearance in your country? Is it complicated or easy?

Customs clearance in Israel can be easy if all documents are prepared and handled before arrival.

Heavy Geothermal Powerplant Modules 02

Are there any particular shipowners that you think are better in serving Israel’s foreign trade compared to others?

MSC and Maersk.

 How is the Corona situation currently in your country?

There is still corona in Israel, but there are no restrictions. Most people are vaccinated.

Heavy Geothermal Powerplant Modules 03

What are the advantages of using Kamor Logistics in your opinion?

Kamor Logistics has many years of experience in projects. Our company takes part in projects of governmental companies like Israel Electric Corp. and NTA Metropolitan Mass Transit System Ltd.(which is the company responsible for the design and construction of the mass transit system for the Tel Aviv metropolis which we mentioned ea).

We in Kamor Logistics provide our clients with professional and personal service. We are available at any time, and our aim is that our clients will be satisfied.

Heavy Geothermal Powerplant Modules 04

How is it best for our readers to get in touch with you?

Ayelet Oren
Forwarding Manager
Kamor Logistics LTD
Phone: +972-4-8681038
Mobile: +972-54-3954038
Email: info@kamorlogistics.com

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