
ES Logistics – Itajai, Brazil

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Interview with

Mr. Dimitri Mattos
Head of Projects

ES Logistics Dimitri Mattos Portrait

For starters Dimitri could you elaborate a bit on the history of ES Logistics?   Who are the owners of the company?

ES Logistics was founded in 2001 by Mr. Lupercio Ardigó, Fabiano Ardigó and Evandro Ardigó. A few years ago, the company included more members, but the biggest part is still owned by the Ardigó Family. Nowadays, ES Logistics has a team of around 230 people and offices only in Brazil, being the 3rd top agent in the export shipment sector from Brazil and the 10th top agent in the import shipment sector to Brazil.

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Brazil is a huge country, and there are many ports.  Can you tell our readers about the area of Brazil where you are located?  Which ports are the main ones in your area, and can you handle cargo entering any Brazilian port?

We can handle cargo to/from any port in Brazil, even though we have a huge country. We have 13 offices in Brazil, most of them in Central, South and Southeast Brazil. At this moment we are handling a Project from the USA to Manaus with no issue.

Our offices: Itajaí, Vitória, Joinville, Belo Horizonte, Santos, Campinas, São Paulo, Rio Claro, Curitiba, Goiânia, Londrina, Santa Cruz do Sul, and Criciúma.

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I heard that customs clearance can be troublesome in Brazil.  How is the situation nowadays?  Is it easy or is there a lot of bureaucracy and are items always customs cleared at the entry port?

Customs in Brazil requires special attention. Bureaucracy still remains, but a few steps are in course to make it better. With the new customs system, some importers can apply for customs clearance before cargo arrives in the ports. This is the beginning of this system and is valid only for sea shipments, for the importers who are AEO certified, and now an import license is required. This includes a lot of files, even with these restrictions. We believe Brazil is finally in the process of improving customs procedures. Most important is that the agents always contact their partner in Brazil before loading any cargo. If paperwork is properly checked before loading, usually shipments can be handled smoothly.

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Do you currently belong to any international networks, and/or do you have offices outside Brazil?

Yes, we are members of WCA as well as CLC Projects. No, we do not have any offices outside Brazil.

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How about the business situation currently in Brazil?  You have a new president, and you have strong relations with both China and Russia etc. Do you feel that the business forecast for 2023 is positive with Brazilian trade?

We are positive about the  Project Cargo business in Brazil. The energy industry keeps growing. With the new government, we also see some good opportunities in the  O&G industry. Brazil also has some shipyards that have a good reputation worldwide, such as Azimut and Ferretti.

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When did you start your career yourself in shipping & logistics?

I started in 2002, working in trading exporting wood products. Then I had the chance to work as a customs broker. Later, in 2005, I started in the Freight Forwarding market, and in 2009, I finally started working 100% with Projects only, where I’ve found myself and really have a big pleasure being part of this market. Every Project has a history and a big impact on the people.

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How is it best for our readers to reach you?

I can be reached via the following:
Email: dimitri.mattos@eslogistics.com.br
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dimitri-mattos/
Phone: +55 47 3045-4800

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