Interview with
Mr. Matthew Pearson

For starters Matthew, please tell our readers a little about yourself. How come you are in logistics? What do you like about this career?
I started in logistics in 2007 and worked in exports, imports, customs and sales. A few years later, I moved into management, and then shortly after, began focusing on project cargo. I find the dynamic nature of forwarding addictive. There is never one day like another, and I really enjoy delivering service-based results to our valued customers and partners worldwide.
When was Seabridge established, who owns the company, and what you can tell our readers about coverage in New Zealand — as I understand you also look after some of the Pacific Islands?
Seabridge NZ was established in 2020 while Seabridge Australia was established in 2010. Seabridge NZ is owned by Seabridge Australia, Cardinal Global Logistics and myself. We currently have offices in Auckland and Christchurch with more to come. Through the larger group, we cover Australasia, Asia, Europe, and others. We also assist our partners and clients with project logistics through Asia Pacific as part of our services.
Have you found that the customer service of several of the usual reputable shipping lines have deteriorated in recent times or is virtually non-existent? How do you view the fact that some owners would like to act as freight forwarders too?
Certainly—with the current movement to online platforms, shipping lines have lost their personal touch. I understand they are trying to be competitive, while delivering financial returns to investors, but the service to customers has decreased significantly over the last 5-10 years. I see it as a good thing though, it means the value of a reliable freight forwarder has never been more important.
Could you provide our readers with some examples (pictures etc) of projects you have handled to or from New Zealand or the Pacific Islands.
Yes, I have included some photos of a part charter we facilitated in New Plymouth for an urgent crane needed on a wind farm. It was door-to-door and broken down into 31 pieces, 237TN, 590cbm. It was part of a full charter we going around different ports in NZ which we pushed inducement calls into smaller ports to service our customers needs.
Used machinery has very specific requirements in NZ, so we had to work with the stevedores, MPI, transport and the customer to ensure smooth handling from start to finish.

How do you view the market currently, and until the rest of the year, what do you see if you look into your crystal ball?
I gave my crystal ball up during Covid. However the current market trend (increased pricing and decreased capacity) seems to be here for the next quarter. There is a big difference between now and during Covid times though in that the volumes are still down. I do not believe we will get to Covid levels, and if we do, then I believe it won’t be for long. The global economy simply hasn’t recovered enough to sustain high freight rates with low volumes for an extended period.
Are you currently a member of any international networks?
We are a member of Cross Ocean and also other non-project-based networks.
How is it best for our readers to get in touch with you?
The best way is to email me:
Matthew Pearson:
and cc our other project specialist
Craig Stapleton: