A Tribute to Bue Drewsen – 60 Years in Shipping

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The shipping experience of Bue Drewsen:

  • January 1956 Bue went to sea at 18 years old as an apprentice. First to New York onboard steamer “S/S AGGERSBORG” on charter to United Fruit Company. The ship was trading along the North and South Coast of America. The Aggersborg was also in charter to West Coast Line – owned by Danish company “Lauritzen Lines” trading in the American Gulf Ports and the West Coast of South America. Later the vessel was carrying paper rolls from British Colombia to San Fransisco and Long Beach.
  • In 1958 Bue was an AB on a Tanker the Dansborg and later Christiansborg trading in the Persian Gulf and North Europe. The vessel even sailed to Perth in Australia, and Balik Papan in Indonesia. After 9 months the captain kicked him off the vessel. The captain was not very friendly with his 50 underlings and with his tough sailing ship experience he was accustomed to looking down on the crew. He inssisted that Bue go to navigation school but Bue needed 9 months sailing experience in order to enter.
  • 1961 Bue joined the Royal Danish Navy.
  • 1965 Bue went to school – studying to become a nautical deck officer.
  • 1967 Bue was an officer at the Johnson Line a Swedish company trading between Scandinavia and Latin America. Both East Coast and West Coast, through the Panama Canal several times.
  • 1968 Bue was an officer with “Torm Lines” onboard the ship named Thyra Torm in charter to K-Line – running between the Far East and Central America.
  • 1970 Bue was a stevedore at the port of Aarhus Denmark, after 3 years he became tired of the job and went back to sea.
  • 1973 Bue was Chief Mate on “Alice Torm” – trading between the US East Coast and The Mediterranean.
  • 1975 Bue was re-employed as stevedore at the Port of Aarhus, at the request of the other stevedores because Bue was popular with them with his experience in the real world.
  • 1977 Bue was Chief Mate and Captain onboard Pep Nautica which went bankrupt in 1984. They owed him 50,000 danish kroner which he eventually received.
  • Bue then joined Elite Shipping as Captain – in 1986 he was asked to find a crew for a School Ship built for the Thailand Government, and he was chosen as Master of this ship Called “Visud Sakorn”, which means “the goodness of the sea” in English. When Bue was 58 he sailed Visud Sakorn through the Suez Canal and via Singapore to Bangkok, where the ship was handed over to the Thailand Government. \
  • Before retiring at 60 years old Bue was employed as “Ship´s Inspector” with a Danish  Company – “Elite Shipping”.
  • Today Bue is turning 80 year old. An old dog, but still going strong, enjoying every day at home with his swedish wife who he married in 1961.
mv Aggersborg in 1956 the first ship that Mr. Bue Drewsen. Sailed for 2 1/2 years on this vessel.
Thyra Torm
Bue was second mate on mv Thyra Torm in 1967 through 1969
Thai Navy
This vessel was a gift from the Danish Government to the Royal Thai Navy. Bue sailed on this vessel in 1986 as Master, built in Denmark.
Bue was Master on this vessel in 1984. This photo was taken in the Suez canal with cargo loaded in Houston destined for the oil fields in the Red Sea
Bue and Chief Mate
Bue with the first mate in 1986 onboard the vessel that was gifted to Thailand from the Danish Government
Bue at home
Bue at home on his 80th birthday, suffering 56 years of marriage to the same woman.