Week #16 – 2022

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In this edition: Furness Shipping | Inchcape Shipping Services | NYK Bulk & Project Carriers >>>

Week #16 | 21st April 2022

Dear Readers,

Bo H. DrewsenWelcome to Project Cargo Weekly; it is Thursday the 21st of April.

Last week, I wrote to you all from Perth, Western Australia, and I left that very same Thursday evening for Stockholm. I arrived as scheduled on Friday afternoon and slept some 15 hours in one go after landing. It was, of course, due to the jet lag and long flights… and not the triple whiskies onboard that the steward thought would make me feel happy. 

In case you were wondering, I have now seen all the BOND movies available and one particular movie that took me by surprise — a movie called THE MAURETANIAN (on YouTube). The plot in general is about the unlawful and unjust incarceration of a Muslim who the US believed was a terrorist. Watching the movie unfold brought to my mind the whole question “What do countries really know about other countries?”

As much as America’s international know-how about the outside world is sometimes lacking (in particular among the decision makers but that is nothing new),  the same goes for a couple of other BIG countries, their real know-how and interest in the outside world is often wanting unless those countries have something they want.

I always found that if you want to know something about the in’s and out’s and current state of real affairs in a country, then speak to the taxi driver, the barkeep, and people in the service industry. They pick up a lot of intel and know a lot more than many professional journalists. 

Speaking of journalism, it is equally important that you make sure to read a variety of newspapers.  If you only read the Washington Post and do not include the South China Morning Post, for example, how can you tell who is “right” when reading about the same topic? Most likely, the truth is probably somewhere in between. Many newspapers also copy from each other, and there is a lot of quote-unquote all through the media world. Unfortunately, there are very few “real” investigative journalists left. The few remaining are regrettably fair game for the hunters — oppressive states and others who do not want to be exposed for what they are.

Of course, Project Cargo Weekly can be totally trusted and you never need to read another publication about shipping ?. 

Being back in Sweden with spring arriving makes it spring to mind that this, the most neutral of the neutral countries, is now seriously turning their heads towards NATO membership. With Finland joining NATO, would be natural that Sweden would join as well. Yet, a strong backbone was never the strength of either the Swedish politicians nor the police force. This is evident from the massive riots that rocked the country in several cities, making me realise that we have serious problems that we (or rather the politically correct establishment) have tried to explain away for years. Sweden, as most of Europe, loathes to speak about the elephant in the room, irrespective of what the elephant might be. If it doesn’t fit into the establishments view of the world, then it doesn’t exist! 

Still all of the above, of course, pales in comparison with what the civilians in Ukraine are going through, and thus, it is always a reminder to treasure what you have when you have it … and then take that double whisky instead of single!

On the shipping front today, we start off in a place known for bank accounts in secrecy, chocolate, watches, mountains, and also as a hideaway for illicit gains by oligarchs, and it is of course Switzerland.  We speak to FURNESS SHIPPING who tell us an interesting story about their logistics and liner agency from this landlocked and beautiful country.  

We then travel to another global centre for trade and finance, perhaps the most international city nowadays at the crossroads between Asia/Europe/Africa/Middle East, and we are talking about Dubai, U.A.E. INCHCAPE SHIPPING SERVICES a global shipping agency tells us about their business. 

We finally revisit an interview with a most respected shipowner originating from the Land of the Rising Sun, i.e., Japan. NYK BULK & PROJECT CARRIERS, with newbuildings in service and coming, tells us what they can offer you.  If you add their RORO services globally and their participation in ONE (Ocean Network Express) then you have a real megacarrier at hand.

We naturally provide you with shipping news, trade intelligence, wise words and featured video and picture of the week.  Remember our App and our Yearbook. Please also bear in mind that you are welcome to place a BANNER AD to support our newsletter. Rates are reasonable, we only allow 4 a week, and with some 39,000 receivers weekly, your ad WILL be noticed. Feel free to write to richard.holgate@projectcargo-weekly.com for more info.

Next week, I shall be writing to you from the Big Apple, NEW YORK CITY, a great place which I haven’t visited for years. Got married there once at the Danish Seamen’s Church, Brooklyn!

Until next week, I remain,

Yours sincerely,
Bo H. Drewsen

Fracht Group International Freight Forwarder

Video Interview
Furness Shipping – Zurich, Switzerland

Furness Shipping - Zurich, Switzerland interview with PCW

Daniel Widmer, General Manager at Furness Shipping Ltd. was interviewed by Bo H. Drewsen, Editor in Chief at PCW

Video Interview
Inchcape Shipping Services – Dubai, U.A.E.

Inchcape Shipping Services interview with PCW

Deljo C. Poulose, Sales Manager – Liner Services at Inchcape Shipping Services (Dubai) LLC was interviewed by Bo H. Drewsen, Editor in Chief at PCW

NYK Bulk & Projects – Antwerp, Belgium

NYK Bulk & Projects IMG0-09

Interview with

Mr. Kotaro Ichikawa
General Manager

PCW-Interviewee-Photo NYK

Do you have regular liner or semiliner services? What trade lanes would you say are of main interest to you and that you cover currently?

Yes, we have “semiliner” services to SE Asia, India, Middle East, WC South US, North US & Europe, starting the transportation from the Far East / SE Asia. Thereafter, we take the return cargo to SE Asia/Far East on a spot-by-spot basis (or sometimes COA cargo), in order to maintain the semiliner service. Apart from that, we’re offering tramper service as well, depending on clients’ requests.

International Rail Forum & Conference Prague 2022
PCW-Shipping News

India Growth News

India Growth News

Editor’s Note:
Although not directly shipping news still it is one of the worlds emerging markets that we all need to keep an eye out for also in logistics. Here is an interesting and informative newsletter from Samsara Group, India.

A weekly update on current business & shipping happenings in India.

Tschudi Mozambique Opens Office in Pemba

Tschudi Mozambique opens new office in Pemba

Editor’s Note:
Norwegian owned logistics provider Tschudi expands further in East Africa and develops their footprint in Mozambique with a new office in Pemba. In spite of rebels being active in the north, the country with its enormous gas reserves will be high on the agenda for logistics providers and shipowners now and in the future.

The Mozambique adventure began with the opening of Tschudi’s office in Maputo in 2019. Since then, the market has been exceptionally unstable with severe impacts posed by firstly, the pandemic and secondly, by the violent disturbances in the northern part of the country. However, the pandemic is now coming to an ease – and increased military presence in the north has stabilized the situation in Cabo Delgado. The office in Maputo has joggled many challenges during the first couple of years, nevertheless, the team has succeeded in building a stable business against all odds. New times are now arising, and this forms the basis for growing Tschudi Mozambique by adding a new office in Pemba.

Esgian – Sustainable Action Starts Here

Esgian Sustanable Action Start Here

Editor’s Note:
Sustainability and reduction of emissions is now on everyone’s lips, in the shipping industry too. Several companies out there are offering to assist your company with software and smart solutions to monitor, control and ultimately reduce emissions. See this introduction from Norwegian company Esgian who recently hired a veteran from the RORO shipping industry to assist.

The Esgian Shipping Suite merges sustainability focus with innovative commercial applications
Greenpact Ships:
• Benchmark current and future emission performance by vessel or operator and do comparative analysis
• Understand how regulations will impact the fleet both operationally and financially
• Identify and compare solutions to reduce CO2 footprint
• Analyze impact of fuel cost and carbon tax
• Ensure performance is aligned with sustainability linked goals
Shipping Analytics:
• Analyze and compare operator actual service delivery across several key performance indicators such as scheduling integrity, actual transit time, consistency in service delivery, geographical coverage and relative strength

150,000 Inactive Wagons Create Chaos on Russian Railways

Editor’s Note:
Russia railway traffic in, out and internally seems to have been severely disrupted if this article is to be believed. However, it remains to be seen if the sanctions on people in power who are beyond reach and who live in their own bubbles will have any impact.

150,000 wagons are currently stranded and remaining inactive on the Russian railway network. The situation is illustrative of the sanctions’ effect on Russia, which also creates a “hard operational environment for rail freight making it difficult to move loaded wagons”, explains a governmental document.

Kamor Logistics Israel

Jordan’s JPMC, India’s Teesta Agro sign MoU to Launch Company to Produce Fertilizers

The Jordan Phosphate Mines Company (JPMC) and Indian Teesta Agro have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to establish a company to produce phosphoric acid and DAP fertilizers in Jordan with an estimated cost of $400 million and a total capacity of 300,000 tonnes annually that will be exported to India.

Nordex Group Receives Two Orders for 313.5 MW from Valorem in Finland

The French operator of green energy projects, Valorem, has commissioned the Nordex Group to supply 57 N163/5.X turbines for two projects in Finland. The orders also include a premium plus service contract for thirty five years.

FRV says 432-MW Solar Project with Battery in Chile Enters New Phase

Global sustainable energy developer Fotowatio Renewable Ventures (FRV) plans to install a 432-MW/458-MWp solar park with a 120-MW battery energy storage system (BESS) in Chile.

The company announced on Wednesday it is now processing the environmental impact study for the photovoltaic (PV) project. Named Llanos de Maranon, the solar-storage hybrid plant will consist of 819,801 PV modules and 192 BESS blocks, located in an 825.7-hectare (2,040 acres) area in the Atacama region of Chile.

Egypt Signs Deal with France for 55 metro carriages

The Egyptian government has signed an agreement with France for manufacturing and supply of 55 airconditioned rail carriages for the First Line of Cairo Metro for €776.9 million, according to an official statement posted on March 28th.

The agreement covers maintenance works for eight years, along with supply of equipment to maintenance workshops. The project will be executed by French manufacturer Alstom.

GWC Logistics
PCW-Featured Video

Kwazulu-Natal Flood Death Toll Rises to 306

Editor’s Note:
We don’t normally feature misery, heartache and disasters but this time since it certainly also involves shipping we think it’s right for our readers to check out this footage from Durban which was ravaged by torrential rains and subsequent massive flooding. Nature is simply more powerful than we humans are! I was in Durban 1967 and again 4 years ago. Hard to believe!

KZN Floods I Death toll rises to 306, Nozintombi Miya is at the old airport precinct near Umlazi
PCW-Featured Photo

Editor’s Note:
Sitting outside at the restaurant of Hotel Hafen Hamburg with ships slowly passing by is never a waste of time. Here a shot from a visit to the great city of Hamburg a couple of years ago, but it could have been yesterday, I guess.

Featured photo week 16
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Quote of the week
Proverb of the week