Week #21 – 2022

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In this edition: Houseboat Holiday Apartments – Rotterdam | CU Logistics – Bangkok, Thailand | Bok Seng Group – Singapore >>>

Week #21 | 26th May 2022

Dear Readers,

Bo H. DrewsenIt is Thursday the 26th of May, 2022 and we are here again.

Today, I have been invited to a dinner by nice friends at TSA Agency in Gävle (https://tsaagency.se/) which also happens to be an important port in the middle of Sweden by the Baltic Sea.  It is always nice to be invited out at least once in a while. When I look back, I met many whose wallet never saw the light of day both in business and in life. I am sure you know what I mean—people who are stingy beyond belief. They borrow a book but never return it. Sometimes, they couldn’t care less. Then there are the times that just because you are family, they think that gives them permission to treat you with disdain.  I had a grandfather like that. He was almost crying when going to the toilet because he had to part with something. ?

Through travelling the world,I have found that in general, people are friendly and just because they are economical doesn’t mean that they are stingy.

For those who hoard money for a rainy day and believe it will rain for 3 months I have less respect, especially if they leave this world with their private affairs in a mess because they haven’t cleaned up their act regarding their final will. I have now spent a couple of months trying to handle this on several continents, making sure that there are no cracks when I depart this world and that my children and wife can move on without the “help” of too many lawyers.  

I hope some of the wealthy of the world have done the same and that they, by the same token, have made it clear in their will to return any looted funds to the motherland or donate to worthy causes.  Why must it sit in a Londongrad or Moscow by the Thames, Cayman or Cyprus bank account?  History repeats itself, so the saying goes, but at least we now have the internet and fewer things can be covered up – or at least they cannot be for long. 

On the point of “ex” politicians, it seems that a former German chancellor is now short of a board member seat as reports have it that he left Rosneft along with a couple of other colleagues before becoming active in European politics. How politics and business are intertwined beggars belief. There is the Covid quarantine. We should implement a similar one for politicians who leave public office only to do exactly the same but in the private sector as “consultants” – the pension from the state must be low as it does seem that the time gap isn’t long between jobs for some of them…  It all reminds me of what Gordon Gekko famously said in the movie Wall Street and I quote: “because greed works”.

This week is also the “after breakbulk recovery week” with long days, many parties, and feeling alive again. Meeting up face to face meant also using excessive energy and that certainly takes its toll, especially when turning 60 next!  I could do with losing a few kilos too, but then I wouldn’t be in heavylift so… better live as I preach.?

Turning to today’s newsletter, I am happy to share with you an interview with the owner of a Houseboat in Rotterdam. I spent 5 wonderful days onboard, with a perfect location, the ability to have meetings “on deck”, and it was awesome weather indeed a most memorable week. The gangway moved almost 2 meters between morning and night due to the tide….  

Finally, I move myself to Asia which is now slowly coming out from under the Covid shadow and starting with Thailand where we remind you of an interview we had with CU Logistics, Bangkok.

We finish off in Singapore with the heavylift experts Bok Seng.  Definitely looking forward to visiting Asia again very soon!We, of course, provide you with shipping news, trade intel, wise words and, oh yes speaking of Asia, I was pleased to hear that the joint CLC Projects & Cross Ocean conference will take place 17-19 of October at Le Meridien Phuket Beach Resort, so surely, Asia here we come…

Wishing you all well and until next week I remain…

Yours sincerely,
Bo H. Drewsen


Houseboat Holiday Apartments – Rotterdam


Interview with

Ms. Monique Smit


What is the biggest difference, in your view, between a “normal hotel” and a houseboat”?

Sleeping on a ship is very special. It always moves a little because of the movement of the water. Even though I’m located in the centre of the city of Rotterdam, it’s the sound of the waterbirds you wake up to in the morning.

CU Logistics – Bangkok, Thailand

CU Logistics breakbulk

Interview with

Mrs. Noi & Mr. Chairat

With the fantastic geographical location of Thailand, bordering several countries such as Laos, Myanmar, China etc., can you organise transshipment via Thai ports into these neighbouring countries?

We agree and want to emphasize the fantastic geographical location of Thailand, as if you look at the south east Asian map, we are in the center of commercial and transportation activity, with more facilities for logistics management to be made easier and faster through connections with the several bordering countries.

We have experience in transshipment via Thailand to neighbouring countries by inland truck and with customs clearance as a one-stop service via multi-modal transport from any countries via Thailand. A good example of the most convenient route from Thailand to Laos is by operating through Nongkhai, Mukdaharn and Nakornphanom province borders with CU, with full services done via inland truck until the process is completed at the destination.

Bok Seng Group – Singapore

Bok Seng Group - Singapore

Interview with

Mr. Vincent Teo
Senior Director

First, I’d like to ask about the name Bok Seng. Is it a family name, or does it mean something else? When was the company established and can you elaborate a bit on its history?

Bok Seng is the name of the company’s founder. The company was established in 1975. The company started out as a civil engineering company mainly focusing on the construction business. Over the years, with a growing fleet of trailers, the company evolved into a transport company then into a total logistics service provider with two main business divisions, namely the integrated and project logistics divisions.

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PCW-Shipping News

Scandic Line Launches a New Regular RO-RO Line Between Ports of Riga (Latvia) and Södertälje (Sweden) with Three Weekly Roundtrips

Editor’s Note:
Shipping news often deals with the big boys both concerning carriers and ports but we must not forget to the often more service minded smaller ports, carriers and not least forwarders. Big size is not commensurate with big service, so to speak. Below is the latest from the Port of Södertälje / Stockholm gateway. They announce a new RORO line to the Baltics which is excellent news for the region!

For more information refer to Mr. Per Fredman – per.fredman@soeport.se

MV Midas
Photo of MV Midas by Arjan Elmendorp

From June 1, 2022 Scandic Line will open a regular RO-RO service between the ports of Riga and Södertälje. This new ferry route offers possibilities to transport various cargo between Latvia and Sweden.

UTC Overseas Partners with GYSBI to Tap into the Booming Guyana Market

Editor’s Note:
UTC, the renowned global project freight forwarder is expanding in the North part of South America with a new joint venture. They are (along with with others) active in the field and it seems Guyana is booming right now!

UTC Overseas Partners with GYSBI to Tap into the Booming Guyana Market

UTC Overseas is combining strengths with Guyana Shore Base Inc. (GYSBI) to expand in the growing Guyanese market.  UTC represents a well-established name in the logistics industry with extensive experience handling large-scale oil and gas projects worldwide.  Guyanese-owned GYSBI has a large facility on the Demerara River, serving as the preferred service provider for ExxonMobil and other oil and gas operators in Guyana.

Misdeclared Li-Ion Battery Shipments a Rising Threat to Shipping

Editor’s Note:
Indeed a horrendous fact of life but some shippers do mis-declare the items they are shipping, out of Asia and China in particular, to save money. Below is the latest from Loadstar on this. Culprits mis-declaring should be punished full stop.

The increasing prevalence of lithium-ion (Li-Ion) batteries being carried on containerships amid rising misdeclarations is a major concern for marine insurers, experts say.

Russia’s Newest Strategic Sub Tests Torpedos Under Arctic Ice

Editor’s Note:
Tensions are running high not only in the Arctic but also overall and many are foreseeing a major bump in the world economy with rising interest rates, war, supply chain bottle necks and proud politicians afraid to loose face and admit they made a mistake. Sounds familiar? Below is the latest from Arctic Today.

Five months after it was commissioned by the Russian Navy, the submarine Knyaz Oleg took part in a torpedo-shooting and battle-training exercise at a closed range in the Barents Sea, according to the Northern Fleet.

The brand new strategic Borei-class sub has taken part in a series of exercises aimed at preparing vessel and crew for Arctic operations. The training was to prepare the crew for opening of holes in the Arctic sea-ice for vessel emersion.

TOC Europe 2022 Event Banner

Engie to Build 8.6 MWp PV Park in Romania for Saint-Gobain

The Romanian arm of French multinational utility company Engie said that it has signed a contract with the local branch of French building materials group Saint-Gobain to build a 8.6 MWp photovoltaic park at its factory in Calarasi, southern Romania.

Saint-Gobain Romania will use all energy produced in the park built by Engie for its own needs, the two companies said in a joint press release.

Pure Hydrogen & Advik to Establish Hydrogen Ecosystem in India

Pure Hydrogen (PH2) is planning to form a joint venture with Indian-based automotive components maker Advik Hi-Tech

The companies will establish a JV private company (JV Co) which PH2 will own a 49 per cent interest in and Advik will own the majority 51 per cent interest

Saft to Supply 10-MW Battery for Solar Project in Cote d’Ivoire

Saft, a subsidiary of TotalEnergies, has won a major contract from Eiffage Energie Systèmes to deliver a 10 MW energy storage system (ESS) that will ensure smooth grid integration for the Boundiali solar photovoltaic (PV) power plant. The 37.5 MWp (megawatt-peak) plant, owned and operated by CI-Energies (Côte d’Ivoire Energies), will be the first large-scale solar project in Côte d’Ivoire.

TotalEnergies to Install Rooftop Solar Array at Yanmar Engine Factory in India

Yanmar Engine Manufacturing India Pvt Ltd (YEMI), the Indian unit of Japanese engine producer Yanmar, has actually participated in a lasting solar power contract with French multi-energy group TotalEnergies SE (EPA: TTE) involving a 1-MWp rooftop solar installation.

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PCW-Featured Video

A COSCO Shipping Newbuild Paying a Visit to Port of Södertälje

Editor’s Note:
We mentioned Port of Södertälje in the shipping news and here is a short video taken during the cold morning of one January day this year showing a breakbulk COSCO vessel alongside. Enjoy!

A COSCO Shipping Newbuild Paying a Visit to Port of Södertälje
PCW-Featured Photo

Editor’s Note:
From the Baltic Sea this weekend resting-up after Breakbulk Europe in Rotterdam. Enjoying the view aft of mv Viking Glory the newbuilding in service between Stockholm, Sweden and Turku, Finland. Welcoming two new countries to NATO soon sounds like a good idea in these times.

Featured Photo - PCW Week 21 2022
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