Slovakia Scenery

Yahway Line s.r.o – Slovakia

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Mr. Jaroslav Lenár

Your company is newly established, tell us why you started your own company? Do you need a specific licence to open a freight forwarding company in Slovakia? What is your background in freight forwarding and logistics?

This decision came naturally, I didn´t look for it, it just came to me. I had the privilege of working with in various companies such as Flash Europe, Gefco, Tirex, Schenker and PKZ Slovakia where I received extensive and often hard training on specific, dedicated positions. Now I have more responsability to influence where the company is going and how it is managed.

I would like to thank them, they were at the same time my bosses and mentors and they supported me and the team in our growth. I would like to thank Mr. Felix Miletich from Schenker and Mrs. Karolina Masarova from PKZ Slovakia.

Like every good enterpreneur, my previous and first company failed, so now I look forward to a new challenge with another mindset than before.

To open a freight forwarding company in Slovakia you need either a minimum two years of experience in transport and logistics or have a high school or college degreee.

Map of Slovakia

There is a lot of competition and many providers of freight forwarding services in Slovakia, what are your strengths?

In our understanding there is no word competetion. I have often heard people say that Slovakia has a very narrow market, but I do not agree because there are more and more investments in Slovakia coming from Asia or Western European countires.

Maybe 10-15 years ago a lot of young people left Slovakia to study formally or to simple discover how people live and how countries not touched by comunism function. Nowadays they are coming back with experience, ideas, sources, etc.

Slovakia Scenery

So our strength is that we do not compare with nobody, we do not want to have all clients in Slovakia, nor do we have to be the best and first, we are simply here to provide services in an industry that like and have experience in. It is firstly all about relationships.

We will be happy when some client or partners think about our company and think to themselves “this is a excelent and trustworthy company, doing what they say they will do.”

I see my “transport career” in the context of the bigger picture, like a mission, not only as work. So this is our strength, we are on a mission with clear values.

Slovakia Scenery

Slovakia is located very centrally in Europe and I believe, as such, receives many investments from overseas as well. Is there any particular trade that you plan to provide services for or do you plan to be an overall, general freight forwarder?

Yes, I agree, Slovakia is located at the crossroads of transport in Europe. For example the location of Bratislava city is interesting because you find yourself 5 km from Austria, 15 km from Hungary, about 1 hour from Czech Republic and 2 1/2 hours from Poland.

As I have traveled a bit in Central Africa, South America and Israel I hope with opened eyes to learn from them and how things work there We want to spread to the African, American and Israeli markets. As Slovakia is a beautiful country with great potential and we would like to export our products to whole world.

Slovakia Scenery

Do you belong to any international networks?

We had opportunities to join transport networks but for the moment we do not plan to be a member of any organisation.

As we are new to the market we prefer to stay in autonomy without membership, we need time to get started take our first steps.

Slovakia Scenery

As a matter of interest what kind of language do you speak in Slovakia? is it the same as in Czech Republic? Do you have a lot of Chinese investment in Slovakia? What tourist sights or places of interest could you recommend in your country?

We speak Slovak in Slovakia, the language is very similar to Czech. We can speak in our own languages and understand each other. I would say that the Slovak language is like singing a song.

In particular, the automotive industry is developed in Slovakia. We have KIA, Volkswagen, Peugeot-Citroen and Jaguar is coming. These factories came here with their direct suppliers, so with new transport and logistics opportunities for us. To be honest, I do not know about chinese investments in Slovakia.

Slovakia is so beautiful, really worth a visit. It is hard to say which places to highlight, but please remember an important piece of advise, Bratislava is not the whole of Slovakia, do not stay only here.

If you go to north we have wonderful mountains called the Tatras, a mountain range along the border with Poland. In the east we have lakes and forests, every part of our country is unique. I would say that Slovakia has a lot of potential for growth in the tourism and agriculture sectors.

Slovakia Scenery

How to get in touch with you for more information and a quote?

We are here for you and with pleasure will answer your demands and questions here below:

Phone number: +421 915 361 171 and E-mail address:

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