Week #32 – 2023

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In this edition: Harren Group | Liburnia Group | CCL Malaysia >>>

Week #32 | 10th of August, 2023

Dear Readers,

Bo H. DrewsenToday it is Thursday the 10th of August, and it is our first issue after the long summer holiday.

To be frank, it has been great to be “off” the grid to an extent regarding the newsletter for a month, but it doesn’t mean that I have been lazing in the sun or keeping myself idle. Far from it! 

For me, shipping is a life career. I really like it, particularly doing the networking together with the fact of having a holiday. So I spent almost 5 weeks in Asia— roughly 17 days in Thailand and the rest split up with meeting potential interviewees, carriers, freight forwarders, etc. in Bangkok, Hong Kong, Kota Kinabalu, Singapore, Fremantle and Dubai. As the saying goes: “No peace for the wicked”.  

It was my first visit to South East Asia since the pandemic, and I particularly looked forward to visiting my favourite Asian city, Hong Kong.  Although it was a bit subdued and just out of the Corona woodwork, the hope is that the buzz will get back in town. The other destinations were pretty much as I recall them—nice, friendly, excellent food, and kind of like being home. 

The last couple of weeks were spent in Denmark, but also here I combined business visits in Copenhagen and Aarhus with running around with family. Both there and in Asia, 1 or 2 of my kids were always in tow to the meetings. Thank god for iPhones and the internet. The kid(s) who accompanied me would soon have been bored to death listening to the old man blabbing away.  

Still another 2 weeks to go before school starts. Here in Sweden, kids are off school starting on June 13 and return on Aug 21st. I can sense a real struggle for many parents, in particular towards the end. The holiday is simply too long.  I am not a teacher, but a combination of Western and Asian education techniques with a mix of discipline and freedom sounds ideal to me. From my perspective knowing both Asia and Sweden, I feel that both are extremes in their own way, and I am sure you know what I mean.

I noticed an interesting posting on LinkedIn recently: “Hottest summer ever!  Oh it’s climate change. Most rainy season in decades!  Oh it’s climate change  Driest period ever recorded!  Oh it’s climate change.”  

I am not an expert, but I do have a feeling that there are many earning their living from “climate change” either as doomsday sayers or similar.  Therefore, to get another opinion that is not politically correct, sustainable or green, I started to read this book called FALSE ALARM.  The author is Danish, and I am looking forward to hearing what my countryman has to say. His first comment in the book is “WE LIVE IN AN AGE OF FEAR”…. and that may indeed be so.

False Alarm Book Cover

Now let us also deal with the war in the Ukraine and ensuring people have food to eat. That would be a start, climate change or not.  More on this later after I have read the book. There should be ample time for it as I am departing for Chile, South America via Malta and Qatar on 21st of August, God and climate change willing.

On the shipping front, I must admit that I am a bit behind on the latest news except for noticing that rates have plummeted which I also mentioned before, and that most container shipowners are again finally hungry, MPP owners less so currently, and RORO owners not at all starving.  I noticed also that COSCO placed an order for some 24 or so RORO ships to enter service soon—no doubt to service their mega export of EV worldwide, particularly to new markets.  One question only for the EV craze: how to get the minerals out to make the batteries and do we have a system in place for reuse of both them and wind turbines?   Here we REALLY need a circular economy. Today, the Swedish government announced that they plan to build 10 nuclear power plants, something that was unthinkable before. The key to everything is energy, so let us see how we go about getting it.

I travel a lot by ship as a passenger. My next trip, if all goes well, will take place at the end of FEBRUARY 2024 with CPC/Coli Shipping from Turkey to Japan. However, I will have my own cabin, and I will NOT be sitting on the rudder as these Nigerian stowaways did for 14 days thinking they would be arriving in Europe (they got to Brazil instead).  What an incredible and true story.  See the news story here (or below).

Four Nigerian migrants rescued after 14 days on a cargo ship rudder

On the economic front, lots has been said about the real estate crunch coming in China, and if it really does, it will have global repercussions.  This video from CNA insider sheds some light on it, but I think we all know that some values are pumped up in many countries only to be deflated at a later stage. Let us see at least now for those who have cash in the bank there should be some interest to be earned, although I am not sure if it even covers inflation. Probably not so status quo.

On the shipping front, even though it is summer time in most places including Europe where I am, I managed to get some nice interviews.

1. Harren Group: The company with brands such as Intermarine, SAL, Combi Lift is interviewed here, and you will no doubt find it interesting. They seem very proactive, forward and thinking ahead also with an environmental perspective which never hurts!

2. Liburnia Group, Croatia: A well-known and respected project cargo-oriented shipping, chartering, and now also oversized trucking outfit with their own assets tells us their updated story.

3. CCL, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: This is a strong South East Asian forwarder active on a global scale; their Malaysian manager tells us their story.

We, of course, provide you as usual with selected shipping and or political news impacting shipping, as well as trade intelligence and featured picture and video of the week, including wise words.

Last but not least, do contact me if you wish to be interviewed or portrayed in Project Cargo Weekly.  With around 40,000 receivers of our bi-weekly newsletter, your content will be noticed. We are not slaves of any advertisers, and although we welcome anyone to place a banner ad with us, the number. is restricted to a maximum of 6 at any one time. This makes it certain that you are reading a shipping newsletter and NOT a SEARS catalogue — if you know what I mean…

So back in gear again and until we meet again on Aug 24th, I remain,

Yours sincerely,
Bo H. Drewsen

Africa Logistics Network Banner

Video Interview
Harren Group / Combi Lift Project Logistics

Harren Group / Combi Lift Project Logistics Interview

Michael Dahoe, Managing Director Combi Lift Project Logistics Benelux BV and Marc Höhne, Sr. VP Strategy & Corporate Development at Combi Lift + Commercial Director at SAL Engineering Interviewed by Bo H. Drewsen, Editor in Chief at PCW.

Video Interview
Liburnia Group

Liburnia Group BDM interview with PCW

Tomislav Bagaric, Group BDM at Liburnia Group interviewed by Bo H. Drewsen, Editor in Chief at PCW

CCL (Pacific) Sdn. Bhd – Malaysia


Interview with

Ms. Belina Goh

Belina CCL

Do you have experience in handling project cargoes to/from Malaysia? Could you provide our readers with some examples of cargoes you have transported?

Project handling has been one of our services offering focus for many years. A number of my colleagues came from this segment of logistics services enriching us with their professional expertise & experience in handling large and small projects.

Through the years, we have handled relocation of whole factories from woodworking to television panels, palm oil refineries, heavy lift and oversized machines & parts, Oil & Gas sector structures, mining equipment, helicopters & aircrafts and all types of out-of-gauge cargoes.

Our job scope has involved everything from dismantling to rebuilding, door-to-door and port-to-port, freight arrangements, and end-to-end supervision, including transport to shipping.

Antwerp XL 2023 Banner
PCW-Shipping News

Which Countries Are Most Reliant on Coal?

Editor’s Note:
Although not directly shipping news still it hangs together doesn’t it. Phasing out of coal seems to be a long way off irrespectively of the green waves sweeping the world economics still matter. Therefore this statistic about coal using countries is interesting.

Which Countries Are Most Reliant on Coal?

Global energy policies and discussions in recent years have been focused on the importance of decarbonizing the energy system in the transition to net zero.

However, despite efforts to reduce carbon emissions, fossil fuels still account for more than 80% of primary energy use globally—and coal, the world’s most affordable energy fuel, is also the largest source of energy-related CO2 emissions.

Ocean Giants Unite to Forge Mega Fleet of Semi-submersible Vessels

Editor’s Note:
Latest from United Shipping Group which also encompass the famous United Heavy Lift fleet of MPP vessels that you see plying the oceans worldwide. Below we think is likely a natural development in China nowadays, everyone with Chinese ownership (part or in full) will work to do their work mainly or exclusively with other national entities. China always saw COSCO as their bridge to the world so there is a deeper strategy in below we believe.

China-based companies specializing in ocean-based heavy lift transport COSCO SHIPPING Specialized and Guangzhou Salvage have concluded a joint venture deal leading to the creation of a fleet of 18 semi-submersible vessels by the end of 2023.

The move has resulted in the expiration of an exclusive commercial management deal between United Heavy Transport (UHT) and Guangzhou Salvage for the management of the latter’s semi-submersible fleet. The partnership between Guangzhou Salvage, GSP, and United Heavy Transport (UHT) was in place since 2018.

Boom, Bust and Borrow: Has China’s Housing Market Tanked?

Editor’s Note:
Real estate may not have a direct impact on shipping however it has for certain economies in the world not least the 2nd largest in the world, China. If there are major problems in the real estate market and companies go bust it could have worldwide repercussions also for shipping and subsequent lack of demand and/or purchasing power…an interesting video here from SCMP.

Boom, Bust and Borrow: Has China’s Housing Market Tanked?
Boom, Bust and Borrow: Has China’s Housing Market Tanked?

European Shippers’ Council – Newsletter

Editor’s Note:
During the July holidays the latest newsletter from European Shippers Council was out.

Here is the next edition of our bi-weekly newsletter, containing a selection of the most relevant news, information, and events in the field of transport & logistics from the shippers’ perspective. It is published in the middle and at the end of the month and contains an overview of all posts within the respective reporting period. For more regular news, please visit our website frequently, as we are writing news posts regularly.

TOC Africa Banner

Russia’s Rosatom Signs for New Water Purification Solutions

n Morocco, Water And Energy Solutions has announced the signing of a memorandum of understanding with the Russian energy company Rosatom. The group, which also invests in water desalination and potabilisation solutions, will support the implementation of several water projects in the Kingdom of Morocco.

Colombia’s Renewables Capacity to Get 1GW Boost With Isagen-Atlas Alliance

Colombian electricity generator Isagén and US-based Atlas Renewable Energy have signed an agreement to jointly develop 1,000MW of renewable energy capacity in the South American country.

Guascor Delivers Second Biogas Unit to Malaysia

Kapilit Palm Oil Mill´s core business is timber and oil palm milling and woodchip production. Palm oil mills generate substantial amounts of Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME), which is a byproduct of the oil extraction process. This mill is equipped with a biodigester system.

South Korean Firm to Build EV Parts Facility in Tennessee

South Korea’s Hanon Systems announced it will build a new manufacturing facility in Tennessee that will create 600 jobs.

WOF & Bud Cargo Forum
PCW-Featured Video

Sailing into Durban Onboard Vessel mv Bright Sky

Editor’s Note:
Arriving into Durban a few months ago onboard www.macship.com vessel mv Bright Sky I had not only the weather gods with me but also a fantastic entry into the port passing alongside many different kinds of vessels in this VIP port for South Africa. Another reason is that last time I arrived there by ship was 55 years earlier, in 1968…. enjoy footage here.

Arriving Durban Onboard Container Vessel mv Bright Sky
ART Logistics Banner
PCW-Featured Photo

Megalift Delivers cargo for an Air Separation Unit (ASU) Project in Malaysia

Editor’s Note:
Another great project handled by CLC Projects Network member Megalift in Malaysia.

This ASU project is part of the construction of a huge manufacturing plant in Bayan Lepas, Penang. Megalift has been handling several deliveries for the same project since early this year. This conventional shipment had 63 packages with the largest being the Cold Box where Megalift received in Penang Port. The other items included ducts, platforms, coolers, and joints.

Cargo: Cold Box
Dimension: L40.11 m x W5.00 m x H3.65 m
Weight: 127mt

Featured Photo
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