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DMI Project Global Logistics Ltda – Calama, Antofagasta, Chile

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Interview with

Ms. Catalina Orias Barrera
Manager Customer & Operation

Catalina Orias Barrera Interview Portrait

First and foremost, can you tell our readers about the history of DMI Projects and can you explain to our readers about the name DMI? How did you come by this name?

DMI was created by the founder of Michea Transport, Mr. Danilo Michea. He wanted to provide complete logistics service from the origin to the final destination of the cargo, taking control of the logistics chain.

DMI Offices Map

I understand that you are very active in the field of mining logistics. Can you tell us more about the services you offer in this regard?

DMI has as its central base the city of Calama, the Cradle of Mining in Chile, with the support of professionals specializing in mining loading and projects. 

DMI has its own equipment moving cargo up to 400T.

Chile is a very “long stretched” country.  Can you explain to our viewers a bit about the geographical situation of your country? Where are the mining logistics needed? What kind of shipping ports are you using currently?

Due to its geography, the country of Chile has very marked industrial zones. The north is the development of Mining and Energy, where the main ports that supply this sector are: Puerto San Antonio, Port of Valparaiso, Port of Antofagasta and Puerto Angamos. This last port is located in the city of Mejillones.

Do you have experience in handling oversized cargoes? Can you provide us with some examples of projects you have handled recently?

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Transportation to Minera Codelco division Radomiro Tomic- 2022
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Transportation of VIPER Drilling Machine to Minera Zaldivar, Antofagasta-Chile, 2023
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Transport CAEX equipment from Antofagasta to Codelco El Salvador-Copiapo,Chile. 2022
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Neuralgic center of mining in Chile
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Transport Balde 4100 to Minera Sierra Gorda, Calama-Chile, 2022
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DHL services for Codelco Division Chuquicamata, 2022

Are you currently a member of any networks or do you have plans to join any?

We are not currently registered in the agent network. We only started activities in the month of August 2023. However, we would love to join soon.

Tell our readers why you believe that your company is the best one for mining and logistics related services in Chile?  Because naturally, there are many logistics companies in Latin America who believe that they are the best.  Why are you the best?

DMI has a staff of highly trained professionals with extensive experience in the field of logistics. We are located in the neuralgic center of mining in Chile, so we have the knowledge of what mining and industrial clients demand and, above all, we have our own assets such as equipment specialized in cargo transportation.

How would it be best for our readers to get in touch with you?

DMI Project Global Logistic
Apartado Postal N° 444 

Catalina Orias
Contract Logistics Services Supervisor
E-mail: corias@dmiprojects.cl
T: +56 959111213

Marcela Fernandez 
Commercial Manager
E-mail: mfernandez@dmiprojects.cl
T: +56 956248095

Indira Peralta 
Project Manager Mining & Renewable 
E-mail: iperalta@dmiprojects.cl
T: +45 27212783 +56 981332301

Danilo Michea 
General Maganer
E-mail: dmichea@dmiprojects.cl
T: +56 966567040

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