Interview with Mr. Omer Omeroglu Managing Partner Omer, you are based in the Netherlands. For how long have you been

Interview with Mr. Omer Omeroglu Managing Partner Omer, you are based in the Netherlands. For how long have you been
Interview with Mr. Colin Bagwell COO – Industrial Project Logistics For starters, who are AsstrA? Is the name an abbreviation?
Interview with Mr. Sergio de la Torre Delgado Branch Manager Please elaborate a bit about your career leading up to
Interview with Mr. Eric Cassandri Project Department Manager For starters Eric, what can you tell our readers about yourself and
Interview with Ms. Catalina Orias Barrera Manager Customer & Operation First and foremost, can you tell our readers about the
Interview with Mr. An Hoang General Manager First of all, can you tell us about the history and background of
Interview with Mr. Reza Karg Manager Corporate Affairs First of all, what can you tell our readers about the ports
Interview with Ms. Carina Hall, Head of Industrial Projects (IP) at DHL, Denmark & Ms. Josefin Ahlgren-Spolander, Head of Industrial
Interview with Mr. Ignacio Leira Projects Global Vertical Manager First of all Ignacio, can you tell our readers a little
Interview with Mr. Giovanni Baggio Managing Partner First and foremost Giovanni, could you elaborate a bit on the history of
Interview with Mr. Chris Nicholson General Manager Could you elaborate for our viewers about your own background in shipping &
Interview with Ms. Belina Goh Director First of all Belina, what can you tell our readers about CCL? Is CCL