Mr. Lauri Heilio CEO and Partner Tell us about Wiima Logistics business model and the history of the company and

Mr. Lauri Heilio CEO and Partner Tell us about Wiima Logistics business model and the history of the company and
Mr. Marc de Waele Managing Director Tell us about the history of LPL Projects, when the company was started and
Interview with Mr. Fabiano Ardigó Director First of all, Fabiano, tell us a bit about ES Logistics. When was the
Interview with Mr. Haridas Kondath Managing Director Haridas first off tell us a bit about yourself, your background and how
Guy M. Tombs President & Becky Lynn Hodge Vice President Where does the name Ridgeway originate and what is your
Christian Schmith Partner First of all Mr. Schmith tell us about your own shipping background and how you ended up
Mr. Supratim Majumdar Director- Commercials Who are the owners of Global Projekt Logistique? The company is privately held with a
Mr. Asier Lizeaga CEO You are located in Spain with both Atlantic and Mediterranean coastlines. Can you introduce our readers
Mr. Renatto Castro Project Manager Tell us when Andina Freight was established in Peru and who are the current owners
Mr. Jan-Hein DisselVice President Global Tell us a bit about the history of ISS-Palumbo to the naked eye the name
Mr. Peter Czajkowski Managing Director What year did you establish your company, Peter? Are you a shipping agent, freight forwarder
Mr. Valeriy Cholak Managing Director Who are the owners of Deltanord today? The owner of SC Deltanord SRL is Mr.