Mr. Kamil Ernazarov Deputy CEO Kamil, please tell us about Transasia Logistics Group. Where are your headquarters and when

Project Cargo Weekly (PCW) is an e-newsletter for the project shipping and forwarding industry. PCW publishes in-depth and exclusive interviews weekly, each issue also features an editorial as well as shipping news, sector news, featured photos, videos and wise words of the week.
Mr. Kamil Ernazarov Deputy CEO Kamil, please tell us about Transasia Logistics Group. Where are your headquarters and when
In this edition: Transasia Logistics Group – Uzbekistan | Holleman Special Transport – Hungary | i-Freight24 – Switzerland >>> Week
Mr. Sandor Szanto Managing Director Sandor, please tell our readers about your own background in the field of project cargo
Ms. Elena Padovano Managing Director Please tell us how an online booking platform actually works and what the advantages
Mr. Thomas Heidorn Marketing Manager First of all Thomas tell us about the name Conceptum. What does it mean? Is
In this edition: Conceptum Logistics Gmbh – Germany | FOX Brasil – Project Logistics, Sao Paulo, Brazil | FATS (Forwarding
Mr. Murilo Caldana Project Director FOX Brasil was established when Murilo? Who owns the company? FOX Brasil was established at
Interview with Mrs. Caron Harris CEO First of all Caron – your logo is certainly distinct and reminds me that
In this edition: Trans Logistic LLC – Georgia | 2HL Group – Senegal | Yahway Line s.r.o – Slovakia >>>
Mr. Jaba Tarimanashvili Director When did you establish your company? Trans Logistic LLC was established in August 2016, but the
Mr. Taleb Hoballah Owner – Managing Director Can you Taleb please tell us about your company’s history and also your
Mr. Jaroslav Lenár Owner Your company is newly established, tell us why you started your own company? Do you need