Mr. Kostas Kritikos COO First of all Kostas tell us about the name Delpa does it have a special meaning?

Project Cargo Weekly (PCW) is an e-newsletter for the project shipping and forwarding industry. PCW publishes in-depth and exclusive interviews weekly, each issue also features an editorial as well as shipping news, sector news, featured photos, videos and wise words of the week.
Mr. Kostas Kritikos COO First of all Kostas tell us about the name Delpa does it have a special meaning?
In this edition: Foreign Reserves Across Asia | Opening up Northwestern China with New Highways >>> Week #32 | 10th August
Photo Log from Editor-In-Chief Bo H. Drewsen’s Trip as Passenger Onboard MV CMA CGM Andromeda Route Malta – Beirut | Beirut
A photo log of Bo Drewsen’s trip onboard mv CMA CGM Andromeda Route Malta – Beirut | Beirut – Suez
Mr. Jeppe FrankGroup CCO Jeppe, tell us a bit about your background in shipping, why you got into shipping in
Mr. Peter K. Mathew Managing Director Tell us about the name Fleet Line Shipping. Where does it come from and
Mr. Alexander Hellmers CEO Alexander tell us about your background in freight forwarding & shipping and how did you end
In this edition: Martin Bencher Group | Fleet Line Shipping Services LLC – Dubai | Project Logistics Alliance >>> Week
Mr. Theis Gisselbaek Business Developer First of all tell us a bit about your career before you started working for
In this edition: Port of Grenaa, Denmark >>> Week #25 | 22nd June 2017 Dear Readers, Thursday again – I am
Mr. Soren Albertsen Editor: I had a lunch meeting in Grenaa, Denmark with Mr. Soren Albertsen. Last time I saw
Vinay Guddye Head of Department – Outward Investment Vinay, tell our readers about your shipping career, where and how did